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河北工业大学硕士学位论文 工机变速箱技术检测与故障诊断的研究 摘 要 自上世纪 90 年代起,我国社会经济得到较快发展,工程机械研发和应用的场合也越 来越多。但工程机械的两个突出问题——巨大的振动和噪音以及炭烟和颗粒物的排放,至 今没有得到很好的解决。而变速箱的性能在很大程度上对前者有着直接影响,其技术状态 与工程机械故障之间的关系十分密切,有必要透过实际现象,从理论上对这种关系进行深 入研究和探讨。 论文简介了工程机械故障诊断技术的基本内涵、常用方法、重要作用及国内及国外的 外发展现状,同时说明了此论文提出的历史和社会背景、研究该课题的意义和该课题研究 的主要内容。对变速箱振动故障诊断的机理及技术进行了探讨,介绍了变速箱振动信号分 析方法及常用的故障诊断信号分析与处理的方法。文中采用目前较流行的故障诊断方法— —专家系统,研究并设计了变速箱中易发生故障部件——齿轮和滚动轴承的专家诊断系 统,继而此论文分析了基于人工智能与故障树的故障诊断知识库的建立,为工程机械变速 箱的在线监测和故障诊断提供了一种令人比较满意的方法。 本文采用虚拟仪器技术,开发了基于 Lab VIEW 为软件平台的变速器故障诊断系统, 详细介绍了系统的组成以及常用的故障诊断方法在 Lab VIEW 软件里的实现过程,提出了 工程机械变速箱故障信号的在线诊断功能的实现方法和流程。 关键词:工机变速箱,故障检诊,专家知识库,Lab View 与虚拟仪器 i 工机变速箱技术检测与故障诊断的研究 工机变速箱技术检测与故障诊断的研究 STUDY ON TECHNOLOGY DETECTION AND FAULT DIAGNOSIS OF TRANSMISSION OF ENGINEERING MACHINERY ABSTRACT With the development of society and economy, engineering machinery has been quickly grown. But the two protruding problems----vast vibration and noise and exhaust of particle have yet not solved. Whereas the property of the transmission directly influences former in a large degree, the relation between technological condition of the transmission and faults of engineering machinery is very close. So it is necessary to study the relationship from theory through to practical phenomenon. First, the thesis introduces the basic method, importance and trends of the domestic and foreign development about mechanical fault diagnosis technology. Second, this paper discusses the theory and technique of the fault diagnosis of transmission, and analysis methods of vibration signal and signal analysis and processing for fault diagnosis. Using the popular method of fault diagnosis at present ——expert diagnosis system studies and designs gear and rolling bearings expert diagnosis system, which are easy to have breakdown in the gear box. The paper has focused on discussing the establishment of the diagnosis knowledge library based on fault tree and has provided one good method for the transmission online monitor and the failure diagnosis. Fi



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