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摘 摘 要 I I 摘 要 新闻评论是新闻媒介的旗帜和灵魂 在新闻宣传中占有重要地位 改革开放 后 新闻评论进入了改革发展的新时期 具体到文体方面 尊重多样化意见 提 倡个人风格 打造个性化品牌 张扬个性成为新时期评论改革与发展的归旨 从纵向看 报纸评论文体家族结构发生了变革 个性化趋势越来越明显 随 着报纸评论文体改革的深入 评论员文章在新闻宣传中发挥越来越重要的作用 署名评论越来越多 署名小言论和署名论坛性评论雨后春笋般大量涌现 署名评 论员文章也开始崭露头角 时评发展迅猛 出现了空前繁荣的局面 在新闻宣传 中发挥着举足轻重的作用 同时 报刊讨论式评论这种新兴的文体形式也脱颖而 出 蓬勃发展 从横向看 报纸评论的表现形式日益丰富多彩 评论结构形式开始摆脱 千 篇一面 走向 灵活多变 语言风格逐渐摆脱呆板 枯燥 官腔官气 变得丰富 多样 体现在版面上 评论的编排方式也越来越灵活 丰富多彩的表现形式不但 是评论文体个性化发展的成果 同时也是评论进一步张扬个性的动力 新时期新闻评论文体的个性化趋势 体现的是人的全面发展 人乃个性化之 本 评论文体的个性化集中体现的是评论员个性的解放 评论员个性的解放打造 了个性化的评论 同时 评论文体个性化也适应了读者的需要 关键词 报纸 评论 文体 改革 个性化 Abstract Abstract II II Abstract News commentary, being the banner and soul of news media, occupies an important place in news communication. Since the Opening and Reformation, news commentary also entered a new stage of reformation and development. As for the styles in particular, the ultimate end of the reformation and development in the new era is to value the variety of opinions, to advocate personal styles, to foster personalized brands and to show their peculiarities. To scan vertically the changes of styles, the structure of the family of news commentary styles has undergone great changes with a tendency more and more obvious toward personalization. With the deepening of the reformation of news commentary styles, articles by commentators exerts more and more important effect in news communication; the number of signed comments increases largely: short signed comments and signed comments in forums emerged in large numbers; articles signed by commentators also begin to stand out conspicuously; current events commentary developed rapidly into unprecedented prosperity, placing a decisive role in news communication. In addition, a newly developed style, discussion comments in journals also show itself as a developing with vigor. To take a horizontal view on the overall condition of news commentary, the external forms of commentary grow rich and colorful. The structures of commentary begin to change fro



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