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硕士毕业论文摘要 硕士毕业论文 摘要 I I 摘要 本文概述了二氯苯的性质和用途,总结了二氯苯的合成和分离方法。提出了萃取 精馏和结晶相结合的方法分离混合二氯苯。 采用氯化苯精馏装置的釜底液为原料,先采用减压蒸馏法除去重组分,然后采用 连续精馏法除去氯化苯,并对精馏过程中进料量、进料温度、塔顶出料量、塔高等影 响因素进行研究,确定了连续精馏过程中的最佳操作条件。 采用单级结晶法提取混合二氯苯中的对二氯苯,考察温度、原料对分离效果的影 响,为多级连续结晶实验研究提供一些数据,但很难一次得到高纯度的对二氯苯。 测定了间二氯苯-对二氯苯-邻二氯苯-环丁砜之间的二元、三元及四元 VLE 数据。 选择 Wilson 方程为模型,采用最小二乘法关联二元体系的 VLE 数据,迭代出二元模 型参数。采用单参数法关联间二氯苯-环丁砜、对二氯苯-环丁砜和邻二氯苯-环丁砜体 系的模型参数。利用二元体系模型参数关联三元、四元体系 VLE 数据,关联结果与 实验结果之间的相对误差均小于 5.2%,表明 Wilson 方程较好关联 VLE 数据。 建立萃取精馏塔模型和三对角矩阵法模型进行萃取精馏模拟计算,考察了萃取精 馏过程中塔顶出料量、理论板数、原料进料位置、溶剂进料位置、回流比、溶剂比等 各因素对分离效果的影响,再通过正交实验优化得到萃取精馏过程的最佳操作条件, 为混合二氯苯分离的进一步研究提供参考数据。 关键词:二氯苯;环丁砜;结晶;汽液平衡关联;萃取精馏模拟 硕士学位论文Ab 硕士学位论文 Abstract II II Abstract Property and application of dichlorobenzene were summarized in this paper, synthesis and separation methods of dichlorobenzene were analyzed, and meanwhile, methods of extractive distillation and crystallization were put forward to separate dichlorobenzene isomers. The raw material was obtained from the residue of chlorobenzene apparatus. The high boiling point compositions were removed by the method of reduced pressure distillation, and chlorobenzene was removed by the method of continuous distillation. A series of influences were explored in the process of continuous distillation. The optimum operating conditions were obtained. The method of single crystallization was tried to refine p-dichlorobenzene from the dichlorobenzene isomers. The raw material and the crystallization temperature were studied in detail. Some data were provided for the further research of multistage crystallization. But high purity p-dichlorobenzene was difficult to be got by one step crystallization. The binary, ternary and quadruple vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) data of o-dichlorobenzene, m-dichlorobenzene, p-dichlorobenzene and sulfolane was measured in this paper. The Wilson equation was chosen to be the appropriate model. Binary VLE data were correlated and binary model parameters were calculated by the least square method. Sing



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