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万方数据 万方数据 摘要 当前制约无线通信和服务应用进一步发展的难点在于无线频谱的紧缺。人们 期望以后的通信系统不单是能够提供更高的数据传输速率,而且还能够更有效地 利用频谱资源,采取全双工方法能够得到更高的数据传输速率和频谱效率。传统 的双工方式可分为频分双工 FDD 或者时分双工 TDD,两种方式都要求在同一时间 同一频率上只存在单一方向的信号,接收机和发送机的实现较为简单,构成了当 前通信技术收发机的基础。然而两种技术都未能充分利用频率资源,从技术层面 上来说,在同一频段上同时进行双向通信是可行的。该技术是利用天线消除、模 拟域消除和数字域消除三种方法相结合实现单频的全双工通信。 本文首先提出现有的双工系统方法和单频全双工系统的概念,并详细介绍并 分析单频全双工系统中天线消除、模拟消除和数字域消除的方法和性能,然后在 单频全双工系统的基础上引入 MIMO 的概念。在此基础上,我们搭建了 2×2 单频 全双工 MIMO 系统的仿真模型,该模型是在基带中对信号进行 16QAM 调制后通 过瑞利信道或莱斯信道后并对其进行干扰消除和解调而实现;最后我们针对该模 型在不同的信道模型、发射-接收距离、信道的估计误差以及在模拟域的不同干扰 消除性能等情况进行了仿真分析。仿真结果表明系统性能随着发射-接收距离和误 差的增大而下降,随着残余干扰的下降而出现不规则波动。 关键字:单频全双工 干扰消除 MIMO Abstract The shortage of Wireless Spectrum is the bottleneck of the development of the applications andwireless communications. We expect that the future communication system can not only provide a higher data-transmit speed,but also a much higher utilization rate of spectrum resource.The full-duplex in single carrier method has the potential to make it.The traditional full-duplex methods, which can be divided into Frequency Division Duplex(FDD) and Time Division Duplex(TDD), require that there be only a single direction of signal on the same frequency at the same time, in order to prevent interference between the sending signals and the receiving ones. The receivers and senders, adopting the two methods constitute the foundation of current communication transceivers can be implemented readily. However, neither of the two methods canmake full use of the frequency resource. Technically speaking, a bi-directional communication at the same time and on the same frequency is possible.We can use the antenna interference cancellation, analog interference cancellation and digital interference cancellation to realize the single frequenc y full duplex communication. Firstly,we introduce the existing methods of duplex systems and the Single-Frequency Full- Duplex systems, and then we describe the MIMO based on the Single-Frequency Full- Duplex systems. On these basis



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