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安徽财经大学硕士学位论文 安徽财经大学硕士学位论文 1 1 当代女大学生恋爱观研究 内容摘要 随着改革开放的深入推进和社会文明程度的不断提升,中国高校女大 学生人数在不断增多,比例也在不断扩大,随之而来的是女大学生的恋爱 问题日益成为理论界和实践中无法回避的热点。当代女大学生的恋爱观因 时代的发展而变迁,而正确恋爱观的形成对其人生观、价值观、世界观都 有着十分重要的意义。 本论文主要从三个部分对当代女大学生恋爱观进行研究:第一,对恋 爱观的相关概念进行界定,并阐述了马克思主义恋爱观。第二,分析了当 代女大学生恋爱观。首先,通过文献查阅并结合访谈结果,分别对“60后”、 “70后”、“80后”三个年代的女大学生恋爱现象、恋爱观念、择偶标准 以及恋爱消费状况四个方面进行了概述;其次,通过问卷调查对当代“90 后”女大学生恋爱观进行阐述,从不同年级、不同专业、不同家庭所在地 以及是否为独生子女四个方面分析了在校女大学生未恋爱的原因,并对在 校女大学生恋爱态度、恋爱动机、择偶标准、恋爱与学业的关系、性取向 的偏差及性观念的现状几方面作具体分析;最后,分别将“60后”、“70 后”、“80后”及“90后”的女大学生恋爱观进行对比分析。第三,对当 代女大学生恋爱观的变迁分析。首先,从恋爱现象、恋爱观念、择偶标准、 恋爱消费及性观念五个方面研究当代女大学生恋爱观变迁特点;其次,从 女大学生自身、家庭、学校、社会四个方面解读恋爱观变迁的影响因素; 最后,通过对恋爱观变迁因素的思考,提出相对应的针对在校女大学生恋 爱观的教育建议。 关键词:女大学生,恋爱观,变迁 1 1 2 2 当代女大学生恋爱观研究 ABSTRACT A STUDY ON THE LOVE VIEW AMONG THE CONTEMPORARY FEMALE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS ABSTRACT With the deepening of reform and opening up and the rising of social civilization, there is a growing number of female university students in China, so is the proportion of them. Accordingly, the love view of them is unavoidably becoming a hot topic in theory and practice, and it changes with the development of the world. Keeping a correct attitude towards love has great significances on their outlook of life, values, and the world. The paper analyzes the love view of the female university students mainly from three parts: First, defines the relevant concepts of love view, and expounds the Marxism-Leninism love view. Second, analyzes the contemporary female university students’ love views. (1) Through literature review and the results of interview on the post-60s, post-70s and post-80s female university students respectively, it sketches out the phenomena of love, the concepts of love, the standards of spouse selection and the consumption for their romantic relationships. (2) According to the results of the questionnaire on the contemporary post-90s female university students, it expounds the love views of them, and from different gra



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