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Contemporary College Students Personality Education Research under the background of the transformation of Chinese culture
With the continuous progress of Chinas reform and opening up, the social and cultural life domain is undergoing complex and profound changes, which not only brings unprecedent opportunities to the development of higher education in China, at the same time, higher education is facing grim challenge. In recent years, the reform of higher education has become the important problem, particularly; college students personality education is regarded as the main contents of the reform of the higher education. The importance of personality education is increasingly recognized and accepted by people, higher education is not only to learn and transfer of knowledge, more important, it is to cultivate peoples sentiments and foster healthy personality. In order to realize the positive role of higher education in the process of formation and shaping of healthy personality, we need to examine the specific situation, which the contemporary college students are facing from the standpoint culture transition, to analyse the factors which restrict and influence the College Students personality development, and to explore mode and method in the implementation of personality education. Based on the background contemporary Chinese cultural transformation, the content of our research mainly consist of the following aspects.
Firstly, we will study the relation of culture transformation and personality education. At first we examines the relationship between the individual, society, culture and the transformation of contemporary Chinese culture essence, we point out that the university student personality modernization is the inevitable requirement of the contemporary Chinese cultural transformation, and that the modernization of personality is the new requirements of the personality of college students, the Contemporary University student
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