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Landscape Ecological Planning Theory and Practice since 1980
Specialty:UrbanPlanning and Designing Master Candidate:Li Jing-jing Instructor:Prof. YUE Bang-rui
Since the 1980,s,our countrys academia scholars begin to pay close attention to ecology and landscape ecology research,and begin to pay close attention to the application of landscape ecology in the 1990,s,at the same time introduced and
introduces the theories of the western countries. Review of relevant study in two hundred and thirty found recently,study on the landscape ecological thought in a fragmented state,the lack of overall continuous research,Research on landscape ecological planning in our countrys system is rare。The purpose is through to the
contemporary Chinese landscape ecological planning and design in the evolution course of the discussion, combing out the thread of the development of landscape ecological planning in our country。And from two levels of breadth and depth, summarized the
present stage our countrys present state of pattern and landscape ecological planning research 。 Inductive comparing the difference between the Chinese and western landscape ecological planning at the same time, to draw lessons from the west to
absorb the western landscape ecological planning to provide the reference.
Paper to ecology, landscape ecology, geography and so on related discipline theory as guidance,to the development of contemporary landscape ecological planning in the development status of the research。This thesis paper is divided into six chapters The first chapter is the background research,From the significance of research
methods and technical route and so on.
The second chapter is mainly about the study of relevant theories review
section.First of all, from the perspective of historical teasing out along with the
development of the foreign landscape ecological landscape ecological p
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