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重庆大学硕士学位论文中文摘要 重庆大学硕士学位论文 中文摘要 I I 摘 要 中国的传统社会,国家制定的法律经常会被情理、道德规范,即“民间法”所代 替,成为审判案件,衡量正义的标准,看重法律的工具主义,而轻法律的实体性, 这是中国所特有的传统情理正义观。 在当代正义观的形态变为混合形态,是传统情理正义观和西方法律正义观的 混合,其中以传统正义观为主。西方法律正义观在当代的中国并未形成主流思想, 西方法律正义观主张国家法是至高无上,是正义的化身,是衡量一切正义与否的 标准,法律信仰普遍存在。 虽然我国的法治建设取得突破性进展,国人的法律意识明显提高,但是法律 意识、信仰程度仍然不高,且民间法和它所代表的传统正义观已然强大,日用不 知地支配着人们的心理和行为。这种现状,有碍于我们法治的建设以及国家的文 明和富强。 通过研究我国当代正义观,即表现为以传统的民间法所代表的情理正义观为 主兼有西方法治所代表的国家法抽象正义观,分析其在社会转型期所处的困境, 即有碍于法治建设与法治理念的不符,本着理论服务于实践的原则,分析研究现 在流行的观点,即创新型混合正义观,此主张认为,西方国家法所代表的法律正 义观为“骨架”,民间法和其承载的传统正义观是血肉,两者和谐共存。最后提出自 己的一孔之见,即走出中国当代正义观困境的出路是:首先必然得经过创新型混 合正义观,但这不是终点,随着法治化的不断推进,法律正义观应该是解决困境 的最终出路和归宿。 关键词:传统正义观,法律正义观,法治,困境,出路 重庆大学硕士学位论文英文摘要 重庆大学硕士学位论文 英文摘要 II II ABSTRACT Chinas traditional society, the state enacted laws often be reasonable, ethical, or civil law instead of, as the trial of cases, the standard measure of justice, the law of the instrumental value, while the light of legal entity, which is the Chinese traditional sense of the unique idea of justice. Form in the contemporary conception of justice into a mixed form, is the traditional western sense of justice and legal justice concept hybrid concept, in which the traditional conception of justice based. In contemporary western concept of law and justice do not form the mainstream of Chinese thought, the Western concept of legal justice is the supreme state law claims, is the embodiment of justice, is a measure of whether or not all the standards of justice, legal belief prevalent. Although the rule of law in our country breakthrough, significantly improving peoples legal awareness,however, awareness of the law, faith is still not high level, and the civil law and it represents the traditional conception of justice is already strong, daily unknown to dominate peoples psychological and behaviour. This situation, impedes the construction of the rule of law and our countrys civilization and prosperity. By studying the contemporary concept of justice, that is manifested in the traditional s


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