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I I 当代中国村民自治中的议事制度研究 中文摘要 中文摘要 村民自治制度是我国基层民主制度的重要组成部分,在我国已经走过了近 30 年的路程,30 年来的成绩虽有目共睹,却也总有不尽人意之处。其中,村民自治 中的议事制度不健全、原则性强、缺乏可操作性阻碍了村民自治的进一步发展。 十一届全国人大常委会第十七次会议重新修订通过《中华人民共和国村民委 员会组织法》,村民议事制度在新《村组法》中占有重要的一席之地,法律从议事 机构、议事程序、议事内容等方面给予了进一步详细规定,这一举措标志着村民 自治进入到“后选举时代”,开启了村民民主议事的新浪潮。各地方充分发挥人民 群众的集体智慧,创造出许多村民议事的经典案例,例如,成都市的新村议事会 制度、浙江温岭的民主恳谈会制度以及安徽阜阳县南塘村的议事规则培训案例, 这些村民议事的成功实践积极推动了当地村民自治的发展。 值得注意的是村民议事制度正处于发展的初期阶段,由于经济、文化、法律、 历史等多方面的原因,许多问题的存在是不可避免的,例如,法律体系不健全、 发展过程呈现出很大的不平衡性、形式化问题依然存在。本文在分析新《村组法》 的基础上,根据学界现有的对村民议事地方经验的总结,分析其中出现的问题及 原因,最后指出从发展农村经济、完善法律体系、塑造民主氛围和借鉴国内外经 验这四个方面,来改善村民议事发展不足的现状,最终形成中国特色的村民议事 制度。通过完善村民议事制度,进一步推进村民自治的发展,推进中国特色社会 主义政治文明建设的进程。 关键词:村民自治 村民议事制度 罗伯特议事规则 作 者:李敏敏 指导老师:席富群 教授 II II Abstract The Research to the Rules of Current Villager Autonomy The Research to the Rules of Current Villager Autonomy Abstract Villager autonomy is an important part of our democracy at the grass-roots level. In these 30 years, it was a huge success, but it also has many problems, such as The Rules of Current Villager Autonomy are difficult to operate so that hinder the further development of villagers autonomy Under the background of new countryside construction,The villagers committees of the Peoples Republic of China was renewed in 2010. The rules of villagers are an important part in the new law, it includes more details about institutions, producers and some matters. It further remarks Villager Autonomy comes into the age after election times, and lead to a new times of democratic discussion of villagers. We also have some local successful experiences, such as the institution of village council of Cheng du, training on rules in Nan tang. All those things make Villager autonomy more successfully. But in the early development, the rules of villagers overcome many difficult problems, because of the economic, cultural, legal and history. Based on the analysis of the new law, and on the basis of the local successful experiences according to the theory academia, so I can analysis



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