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当代中国杂志书(mook 当代中国杂志书(mook)研究 IV IV Chapter three studies the target readers of mooks, among which the juvenile literary mooks are the major subject. The relevant theories are fragmented communication and social classification. It also assorts the current juvenile literary mooks in China. And then, types of readers are classified on the bases of various features, with an outstanding display of melancholy, loneliness and perplexity, which appeals to readers most. Chapter four analyzes the texts of mooks from both angles of form and content, of which include the literary magazines, catch-all magazines and academic journals. For the forms, the cover, back cover, format, prices, contents, versions, periods and issuing way are all analyzed; and the author also makes a detailed sorting of the content based on the various features. Chapter five analyzes the major problems in the development of China’s mooks and tries to offer some solutions. In this era characterized by the ripening digital publishing technology, the author make some suggestions as to how the traditional book industry and electric publication will complement each other and how to publish excellent mooks. The conclusion part sums up the basic view points of this thesis paper and look into the future of China’s mooks. Key Words: mook;fragmentation ; brand I I 绪论 绪论 PAGE PAGE 10 绪 论 第一节 研究背景与研究方法 一、研究背景 随着互联网和手机、电子图书、电子杂志等新兴媒介的迅速兴起,新型载体 的优势日益明显,传统图书出版业受到了巨大的冲击,如何适应受众个性化的文 化消费需求,生产出适销对路的图书产品,成了图书出版业面临的难题。杂志书 (mook)作为一种全新的出版形式,在国内呈现上升的出版趋势。这种兼具杂志 和图书于一体的杂志书(mook)出版形式,不仅具有图书内容上系统和深刻性, 还具有杂志版式活泼,时效性强等特点,这种新型的出版创意形式受到越来越多 出现在图书市场,走进消费者的视野,吸引了众多人的目光。 特别是 2006 年 2007 年以来,青春文学类杂志书(mook)在出版市场的火爆 热销,让很多人看到这一新兴图书出版形式巨大的市场潜力,杂志书(mook)作 为一个舶来品,最早出现在日本,上个世纪 90 年代这一图书出版形式被台湾出 版界引入,甚至出现了以杂志书(mook)为出版宗旨和理念的专业出版公司,杂 志书(mook)在台湾图书出版市场取得了不错的成绩,并得到了极大的发展。在 日本、台湾的很多书店里,均设有相关的杂志书专卖区。 国内最早应用“Mook”理念的图书是山东画报出版社出版的“老照片”系列 丛书,之后还有不少杂志书品牌在市场上获得了成功,如山东人民出版社的“茶 座”系列杂志书,广西师大出版社的《中国书评》、《温故》,和天津社科院版的 《今日先锋》、武汉出版社的《天下足球》等。 本文



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