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重庆大学硕士学位论文中文摘要 重庆大学硕士学位论文 中文摘要 I I 摘 要 当今中国画的发展史,也是绘画材料的发展史,工笔画作为其中一个门类, 经历了从兴盛到衰败的过程。当代工笔画现在正处于一个全面兴盛的时期。笔墨 当随时代,随着改革开放,大量的外来艺术形式的涌入国门,当代工笔画如何跟 随时代,传承与拓展,把中国传统艺术发扬光大,不仅是在观念上的改进,造型、 构成和色彩上的改进,材料和技法如何应用的问题也是我们应该关注的问题。因 为材料具有其自身的表现力,而技法是体现材料表现力的一种手段,合理而正确 的应用,能为画家提供更为广阔的表现语言和途径,从而推动工笔画艺术的发展。 研究当代工笔的材料和技法,首先要了解中国画传统材料和技法的沿革历程。 因为中国画是中国的艺术形式,材料和技法的拓展是在继承传统的基础上实现的。 研究当代工笔画的材料和技法,只有在充分研究传统绘画的材料和技法之后,“弃 其糟粕,取其精华”,从而为国外文化艺术的广泛借鉴树立起坐标。本文从对传统 艺术的继承和对外来优秀文化艺术的借鉴两方面来探索研究,为解决好自己在创 作中所遇到的关于材料应用方面的问题提供有力的理论保障。 关键词:当代工笔画,材料,技法,传承,拓展 重庆大学硕士学位论文英文摘要 重庆大学硕士学位论文 英文摘要 II II ABSTRACT Nowadays,the history of Chinese painting is frequently concerned with the development of painting materials. As one of the primary Chinese painting categories, fine brush painting has experienced periods of both prosperity and decline. Today fine brush painting is enjoying a favorable period of prosperity and is generally flourishing. Ink with age, when as the reform and opening up, a large number of foreign art form into abroad, contemporary fine brush painting how to follow era, inheritance and development of Chinese traditional art. How fine brush painting utilizes both historical and contemporary elements involves not only the improvement of concept, shape, form and color, but also the application and performance of materials. Because the material has its own expressive, and techniques are reflected material a means of expression, reasonable and correct application, can provide wider painter expression language and ways, so as to promote the development of the arts tradition. To research the techniques of contemporary fine brush painting materials, this thesis state the evolution of Chinese traditional painting materials. As Chinese painting is exclusive to China, the realization of the development of the forms and techniques inherit traditions. This thesis thoroughly study the traditional painting materials, discarding what is obsolete, while retaining the pure essence of the art form. This will enhance


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