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The essence of literature is an object that literature researchers tireless study on it. The study of the nature of literature, to great extent, is placed in the contemporary context. At present, based on this, this paper mainly aims at the contemporary literary essentialism thoughts of critical reflection, and tries to construct a reasonable view of literature essence.
Since Aristotle, essentialism exists in philosophy and the arts. A long history of the development of the concept of essentialism has rich and complex connotations. The theoretical meaning to grasp the concept of essentialism, we must clarify the nature of the concept, and we investigate the form of essentialism from the origin and development of essence. Aristotles theory of four predicates and category theory is the theoretical foundation of essentialism to establish. In the process of analyzing the essence, we found that: the essence of existence is the intrinsic basis of essentialism, and essentialism is displayed in the form of human thinking and the ability of questioning in nature.
Essentialism literary thought is the result of the essentialism in the field of Philosophy acting in the literature. Essentialism literary thought is based on the historical development process of the literary theory so that the theory of literary nature is regarded as a kind of metaphysical concept of truth. So its thinking form
is mainly reflected in the three aspect: “essence of questioning”、 “Binary opposition”
and Absolutism . The background of the contemporary generation of essentialism literary thought is concerned has two main factors: social background and value position.
Then, this paper attempts to analyze from the perspective of literary theory of essentialism from the following two cases: the background and limitations of the literary ideology and the background and limitations of the literature theory of
aesthetic ideology
After the
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