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内蒙 内蒙古科技大学硕士学位论文 reasons and objective reasons, deep into the analysis, request to the source, to ascertain the cause breed examination problems of university students in contemporary science and engineering.The fourth part of the science and engineering college students series of achievements and problems of general investigation based on the reason, according to contemporary science and engineering university students exam questions arise, in support of related theoretical principles of Ideological and political education and higher education, and probes into the Countermeasures for solving the contemporary science and Engineering University Students examination questions. This paper belongs to the empirical research, in order to meet the needs of practical work in Colleges and universities, provides a useful theory of new ideas, new initiatives for exploring and solving science and engineering university students exam questions, has the certain theory significance and practical application value, highlighted the political education and scientific research as the University practice services research thought. Key Words:Examination questions ;The Contemporary College Students ;University of science and technology ;Examination quality ;Discipline construction IV 目 录 摘 要I Abstract II 1 绪 论 1 1.1 选题背景 1 1.2 研究现状 3 1.2.1 国内研究现状 3 1.2.2 国内研究现状的不足6 1.3 选题理论依据6 1.4 选题意义 8 1.5 研究方法 9 1.6 研究创新点9 2 当代理工科高校大学生考风现状调查及考风问题汇总 10 2.1 理工科高校大学生考风现状调查方案 10 2.2 理工科高校大学生考风现状调查结果分析12 2.2.1 理工科高校大学生问卷调查中参与的学生基本情况分析 12 2.2.2 理工科高校大学生考风现状分析13 2.3 大学生考风实质内容见解24 2.4 理工科高校大学生考风问题汇总 25 3 当代理工科高校大学生考风问题产生的原因分析28 3.1 理工科高校大学生考风问题产生的主观原因 28 3.1.1 大学生考试心理的原因 28 3.1.2 大学生学风不良的原因 31 3.2 理工科高校大学生考风问题产生的客观原因 32 3.2.1 学校因素的影响 32 3.2.2 家庭因素的影响 34 3.2.3 社会因素的影响 35 4 当代理工科高校大学生考风问题解决的对策探讨37 4.1 理工科高校大学生提高自身考试品质是根本 37 4.1.1 提高考试道德修养,锤炼考试诚信品质 37 4.1.2 提高考试心理素质,形成正确考试认知 38 4.1.3 增强自主学习能力,形成优良学习风气 39 4.1.4 强化考风考纪意识,积极践行考风考纪 39 4.2 理工科高校加强大学生考风建设是关键40 4.2.1 以思想政治教育为先导,以考试心理教育为重点40 4.2.2 以严抓学生学风为基础,以创新激励方式为



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