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Expansion of the concept of contemporary art prints
In Chinas booming contemporary art today, printmaker who fell into this awkward situation:No matter how altered form, how toss old family property, or put his hand to the people, the myth, the Western allusions, graphic art not produce results but also how
creators poured with enthusiasm and expectations to match the cultural tension。Why? It is every printmaking creators have to reflect on the issue.
Xv Bing in the contemporary Chinese printmaking thinking refers to the extension of the and introspection is a contemporary printmaking developed two basic ideas. This article is mainly based on research and feasibility studies of these two.
Introspection is a fundamental force for printmaking to breakthrough and development. Printmaking in contemporary Chinese society and cultural environment in an embarrassing situation has caused the attention and thinking artists. How multicultural prints rapid development of Chinese contemporary art to move forward? Printmaking how a relationship with contemporary art? How prints in different historical background and artistic framework exploit their specific and essential characteristics? In recent years, many printmaker printmaking began to rethink their own values and issues. This paper analyses the status of printmaking briefly through the second and the third section. Then through the contemporary cultural context, graphical viewing times and prints its own analysis of the concept of development and change, so as to arrive at todays diverse art forms, prints the extension of the necessity and importance.
External extension not only refers to study, learn and absorb foreign Contemporary Printmaking development outcomes, but also refers to the type of art from outside printmaking find the possibility of change and innovation. Therefore, the outer extension is the Chinese printmaking seeking to develop an important directio
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