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I万方数据 I 万方数据 摘 要 公共物品的研究是公共经济学的经典主题之一。在公共物品理论中,如何确定公共物 品的最优供给水平问题受到了众多学者的关注。本文拟对公共物品的政府供给理论加以深 入分析,打破传统的经济学角度,根据一个新视角—伦理学角度寻找公共物品政府供给中 存在的伦理问题,研究政府供给中这些伦理问题产生的原因和解决的途径。 本文首先提出了研究的主题,概述了关于文章主题的理论进展及研究现状,并介绍了 文章的研究视角;此后,基于政府供给中产生的各种伦理问题,通过多角度找到其产生的 原因,认为正是由于经济因素的制约、资源和机会配置的不平等、政府官员职业道德的缺 失、新闻媒体对政府供给监督、指导作用的弱化和社会法律对政府供给的监管和惩处缺乏 导致这些伦理问题的产生。在此基础上,作者提出了解决政府供给中所产生的伦理问题的 途径,即提高供给能力与经营效率、建立公平合理的供给体系、加强政府官员的职业道德 建设、完善政府供给的舆论监督、加强对政府供给的外部监督和法律惩处。 文章在整合一般公共物品研究成果基础上,剖析了公共物品的概念、特征并对伦理学 视域下公共物品的政府供给应遵循的道德要求做了简要阐述,同时主要分析了政府供给中 所存在的各种伦理问题,并着重分析这些伦理问题产生的原因,最终对解决政府供给中所 存在的伦理问题提出了一系列对策建议,以便实现公共物品供给的有序、高效、稳定。 关键词:公共物品;供给;政府;伦理 II II 万方数据 Abstract Study of public goods is one of the classic themes of public economics. In the theory of public goods, how to determine the optimal level of public goods supply problem which has attracted the attention of scholars. This paper on the government s supply of public goods theory to analyze, to break the traditional economics perspective, ethical problems for governmental supply of public goods in a new perspective, the perspective of ethics, ways and causes of these ethical issues in the supply of the government. In this paper, the topic of the research, summarizes the status and research progress about the topic of the theory, and introduces the research angle of view the article; since then, various ethical problems in government supply based on the multi angle, find out the causes, it is the lack of due to economic factors, resource and opportunity configuration inequality, government officials occupation morals flaw, the news media on government supervision, guidance and social laws on the weakening of the government supply of supervision and punishment lead to these ethical problems. On this basis, the author puts forward the way to solve the ethical problems arising in the supply of government, which is to improve the supply capacity and operating efficiency, to establish fair and reasonable supply system,strengthening occupation moral co



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