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中国美术学院 中国美术学院 —— 中国画系山水专业 —— 林爱国 —— 当代山水画写意性的衰减 PAGE PAGE 10 中文摘要 以笔墨表现物象的本质和神韵,因心造境、注重心灵感悟的抒发,游心于物,强调与 天地精神相往来的自由率意与创造精神。这便是山水画赖之以生存的根本——写意性。其在 山水画艺术中有着悠久的历史渊源,也是山水画最为独特的特征。在上千年的历史发展中, 无数大师创造了大量的经典作品,将山水画的写意性推向了一个又一个高峰。并积累了大量 的实践经验和理论成果。在当下的山水画坛,风格流派众多,取向多元,极大地丰富和发展 了传统山水画。同时,由于写实性的强化、适应大型展览的大尺幅作品的制作性、书法根基 的欠缺,以及美术教育的不足,传统国学的薄弱等新问题的出现,也导致了当下山水画出现 了写意性有所减弱的现象。如何找到解决这一问题的方法,将当下山水画推至一个顺乎时代 的高点,成为众多画家和理论家追求的目标。 关键词:写意 多元化 笔墨 Abstract Since the last century the Xin Hai Revolution until today, China experienced the most rapid change of hundred years, as the development of landscape painting also experienced the most complex, the most intense changes in the hundred years; and with the collapse of Qing Dynasty, modern, westernized has become now the route one must take the national development. Especially since the May 4th Movement, criticizing the traditional culture and art, are learning even copying the west, has become the main theme of cultural development in the era of. Introduce and promote western painting, Chinese painting is almost completely negative and critical, pushing the western realism art idea and technique of expression. In a sense, the development of Chinese modern art is almost western realism in the development of China Road, from the Western realist art at the same time he gave up the Millennium Chinese traditional ideas. This kind of traditional painting biases and distortions, its influence to deep, and wide, long, and has affected, impact on the current Chinese painting. And landscape painting Chinese painting as the main body, also be the first to bear the brunt. Key words: Freehand Diversification Pen and ink 引言 自从上世纪的辛亥革命直到今天,中国社会历经了最为剧烈变革的百年,而 作为山水画的发展也经历了同样的遭遇;伴随着清王朝的覆灭,一些画家、理论 家开始将现代化、西化视为民族图存发展的必由之路,尤其是“五四运动”以来, 他们批判传统文化及艺术,提出一律学习甚至复制西方的口号,引进并提倡西洋 画,对中国画几乎是彻底的否定和批判,极力推崇西方写实艺术观念和表现手法。 一时之间,全盘西化俨然成为时代文化发展的主旋律。在借鉴西方写实美术的同 时却放弃了千年国画的传统根本。这种对传统绘画的偏见和扭曲,虽人数不多, 最终页没有成为时代主流,然而其影响至深,且广泛、久远,并一直影响、冲击 着当前的中国画坛。而山水画作为中国画的主体,更是首当其冲。 当代山水画写意性的衰减 第一章 当代



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