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In most people’s eyes, Germany is only a major industrial country. Its economic depends on the world-renowned manufacturing. Does not know that after a period development, the Germany has entered the service big country club. And the development of service industry has the characteristics of a distinctive “German”. It is because of its service sector, especially in product-related service sector persistently grow and increase in employment, which promote the stability of the German economic. Even if in the environment of the financial crisis and debt crisis in Europe, its economic is still 3.6% the rate of the growth. In 2011 it remained at a high quality and to achieve 3.2% growth and the unemployment rate has reached the lowest value over the past decade. Germany’s successful service can provide a little inspiration and reference to China and world who want to develop service industry.
This paper is mainly based on the service economy theory and the sustainable development of economic theory. First of all, I analyzed the development and characteristics of the service industry of Germany, especially the mechanism that the service promotes the sustainable development of economy. Second, through an empirical proof that the service of Germany has promoted the sustainable development of the economy. At last, I analyze the present situation of the development of China’s industry. Combined with the actual situation of our own and the experience of Germany, it can put forward some suggestions for the development of our service. The suggestions mainly include: the adjustment and upgrading of the industrial structure, government policy support, build and perfect system.
This paper presents that the development of Germany at this stage of economic growth is mainly dependent on its service sector. And the relationship between service and manufacturing is the foundation of the building, so the development of the service should be established on the basis of the
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