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Koo Kung-chen was one of the most influential journalists in 1920s-1930s in China. He was also the theorist of journalism, the founder of the history of journalism and patriot. Although his life was relatively short, except the news reports, Koo Kung-chen, in his career, wrote lots of articles which conveyed his own understanding on China’s journalism. Author of this essay try to have a review on Koo’s contributions to the development of the press and to the research of news theories in order to restore his unique opinions on media development of Republic of China, which may provide examples for media progress of present day.
His News Ideology was reflected by his practical work. Koo’s working experience in both Shibao and Shun Pao, including his investigations abroad, had great impact on forming his own ideas about press industry. Overall, there are mainly five parts of his journalistic thoughts as follows. The first one is journalistic thoughts itself, including definition, characteristics and the social functionalities of newspaper. The second is journalistic ontology. He assailed the government authorities about censorship and claimed for the loose media environment and the freedom of speech. The third is administrative and managerial ideas of media. He suggested that the newspaper industry should absorb elitists, go commercial road and attract advertisement in order to make itself economic independence. The forth is journalism education. He hoped that journalism education could proceed from Chinas actual conditions. He also organized many objective activities to promote theoretical research and media literacy education among citizens. The fifth is his dreams of news industry. As the essential supplement of journalism, he hoped to smash up the monopoly of western powers about presses. He also advised to establish Chinese own news agency and transfer newspaper industry to public ownership by borrowing experience from Soviet Union.
However, Koo Kung
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