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- - PAGE VIII - 改善 DAC 线性特性的方法研究 摘 要 由于模拟数字之间的转换在现今的集成芯片设计中占据了越来 越重要的位置,因此,各种低成本,低功耗,高性能的 ADC 和 DAC 结构不断被提出。 而对于 DAC 的性能而言,线性特性是一个十分重要的考量标准, 因此在不少设计中提出了一些改善 DAC 线性的方法。本文中,就其 中一些常用的方法,如动态器件匹配和模拟自校准技术进行了具体分 析。在动态器件匹配技术的分析中,比较了不同算法对于 DAC 性能 改善的优劣,并对伪数据加权平均算法进行了具体的电路实现。该结 构中包括了温度码的编码译码电路,对数移位电路,带有端回进位的 加法器,寄存器,计数器以及反相选择电路。而在模拟自校准技术的 分析中,详细介绍了基于该技术的 DAC 电路设计过程,并给出了仿 真结果和版图设计。 本文在上述两种技术的基础上提出了将两者结合的设计思想,既 利用动态器件匹配技术减少了高次谐波,又通过模拟自校准技术减小 单元器件之间自身的匹配误差,从而达到同时改善 DAC 输出在信噪 比和谐波失真两方面表现的目的。本文还给出了具体的电路实现,并 在此基础之上,对该设计进行了管级仿真,由此验证了设计的可行性 和正确性。 关键词:DAC,动态器件匹配技术,模拟自校准技术 Methods to Improve the Linearity of DAC ABSTRACT Since the conversion between digital signal and analog signal becomes more and more important in the integrated circuit design, Various kinds of ADC and DAC with low cost, low power consumption and high performance are proposed. Linearity is a very important parameter for DAC performance, in this case, some methods are put forward to improve the linearity of DAC. In this work, some of these methods are introduced and analyzed, such as Dynamic Element Matching (DEM), and Analog Self-Calibration. In the DEM part, advantages and disadvantages of different algorithms are given to be compared. And one of the better algorithms, Pseudo-Data Weighted Averaging is implemented with practical circuit, including Thermometer Encoder and Decoder, Logarithmic Shifter, Adder with End-Around Carry, Register, Counter and Mux. In the Analog Self-Calibration part, detailed design flow of a DAC based on such technique is given, and then with the simulation results and Layouts. In this work, a new idea that a DAC design with both techniques is proposed, in order to improve SNR as well as THD. After implemented with practical circuit, simulation results are given to prove the feasibility and the correctness of such design. KEY WORDS : DAC, Dynamic Element Matching, Analog Self-Calibration 目录 第一章 概述1 1.1 课题的背景及其研究意义1 1.2 本文的研究目标2 1.3 本章小节及其他章节安排3 HYPERLINK \l _TOC_250005 第二章 DAC 的基本结构 4



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