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I I 摘 要 摘 要 随着改革开放,高校出版社慢慢发展并强大起来,它的诞生对传播科学、文化、艺 术,繁荣出版事业,促进知识经济发展起到了重要作用。在出版界里,大学出版社是一 支特殊的力量,除了出版高等教材和传播与普及大众文化外,大学出版社还承载着繁荣 学术出版、传播学术成果、推动学术创新的使命。大学出版社是由大学出资成立的出版 社,学术出版是大学出版社的重要组成部分。 无论是从大学出版社建社的初衷上,还是从大学出版社承载的社会责任上看,学术 出版都应该是大学出版社产品格局中的一大板块。诚如复旦大学出版社社长贺圣遂所 言,大学出版社应该成为学校教学、科研之外的第三种学术力量。正是在这种理念的指 导下,发展学术出版和树立学术品牌已经成为越来越多的大学出版社的追求目标和努力 方向。这给学术出版的发展提供条件、带来积极意义的同时,也有不可忽视的负面社会 影响,诸如学术不规范、定价低、原创乏力、抄袭和剽窃现象严重等。 本论文试图以复旦大学出版社的学术精品图书出版为切入点,在占有大量资料的基 础上,以数据为依据,力求对复旦大学出版社的学术图书进行梳理,从中全面地分析出 复旦大学出版社学术图书的出版理念、品牌经营情况、人才培养情况和竞争策略,以期 为我国当前高校出版社的图书出版工作提供借鉴和启示。 关键词 复旦大学出版社 学术出版 精品图书 竞争策略 II II Abstract Abstract Since reform and opening up had been implemented, the university press has start to be slowly. They have played an important role in propagating science, culture, art, booming the publishing industry and promoting knowledge economy. In the publishing industry, the university press is a special kind of force. In addition to publishing to disseminate and popularize advanced materials and mass culture, the university press has bear the mission to prosper the academic, disseminate academic achievement and promote academic innovation. The University press is funded by the university press, in that academic publishing is an important part of university press mission. Academic publishing should be a big plate of university press product pattern either from the point university publishing built on or from the social responsibility University press assume. As He Shengsui said, the President of Fudan university press, the university press should become the third academic strength, including teaching and scientific research. Under the guidance of the concept, promoting academic publishing and setting up the brand have become more and more university press’ pursuit of the goal and direction. That provides the conditions for the development of academic publishing and brings positive meaning. At the same time, it also has a negative social influence, such as academic specification, weakne



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