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万方数据 万方数据 Submitted in total ful?lment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Computer Application Stability, Convergence, and Structure Analysis of Complex Dynamics X??-A? W??? Supervisor Prof. B? Y??? D????????? ?? C??????? S??????, S????? ?? E?????????? ??? E??????? E?????????? S??????? J??? T??? U????????? S???????, P.R.C???? January 19th, 2015 复杂动力系统的稳定性, 收敛性和结构分析 摘 要 科学计算是计算机的一个重要应用方向之一,包括对来自不同 领域中的模型的数值模拟,还有对复杂理论问题的数值求解等。它 成为了研究者解决具体问题和了解自然现象特征的重要手段。近期, 在物理和生物领域中,有一系列工作尝试将平衡态的势函数的概念, 或者说李雅普诺夫(Lyapunov)函数,推广到一般的非平衡系统中, 比如具有代表性的系统有双稳态系统,极限环系统和混沌系统。这 类推广性的工作,一方面是出于理论的需要,因为势函数是物理学 中的根本概念,还因为在生物学中,它是赖特(Wright)演化理论 的重要基础;另一方面,势函数在刻画系统结构,分析系统稳定性 和收敛性方面具有核心作用。由于缺乏一般性的数学证明,也没有 系统性的计算方法,势函数在一般系统中的存在性饱受争议,因此 在典型系统中构造势函数显得尤为重要。本文的主要贡献,是提出 了一种新的数值算法,并提供了相应的连续性证明。该数值算法能 够被应用于双稳态系统,极限环系统和混沌系统。同时,这种数值 算法突破了之前算法在对复杂吸引子系统应用时的奇异性,也突破 了之前算法对计算的维度的过度限制,并在混沌系统中展示出了相 应势函数的分形结构。 关键词: 数值方法 势函数 非梯度系统 极限环 混沌 i — Stability, Convergence, and Structure Analysis of Complex Dynamics ABSTRACT Scienti?c computation is one of the most important application ?elds in computer science, which includes the numerical simulation for the mod- els from all kinds of ?elds, and the numerical solution of complex theoret- ical problems. Scienti?c computation is indispensable for most scienti?c researchers to attack concrete problems and to analyse the natural phenom- ena. Recently, in both physics and biology, a series of works attempt to generalize the potential function concept, or the Lyapunov function, for general nonlinear dynamics, such as the bistable systems, the limit cycle systems and the chaotic systems. The generalization is driven by the the theorectical need to understand the nonequilibrium process, because of the fundamental role of the potential function in physics and in Wright’s evo- lution theory in biology. Besides, another reason for the generalization of the potential function is that the potential function characterizes the dy- namical structure, the stability, and the conve



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