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丁( 648582
问:生:工程科技学院明 1: 研究生学位论文
摘 iH]
随着第四媒体互联网的迅速发展,传统模式下的服装企业纷纷打 开了丘联网这扇国际窗口,在互联网上塑造和展示企业及服装品牌形 象,拓展营销渠道和经营范围。目前我国服装企业网站大多定位不明 确,与企业品牌形象不符,兀 YL 突山服装品牌形象和个性;而且,部
期维护较差,导致访问量不高。 本文通过浏览、分析了大量的国内外服装网站,并且深入深圳、
西安等地的服装企业进行实地调研:结合服装品牌形象塑造及传播、 认知心理学、人机界面设计等相关理论,运用设计调查法,了解服装 品牌形象网站的用户需求;依据品牌形象和网络自身的特点,提出了 塑造服装 品牌网络形象的思路和解 决方案 :以上述思路和方案为指导, 为具体的服装企业设计其服装品牌的网络形象。
在设计服装品牌的网络形象时,应同时从服装品牌形象和网络用 户两个方面出发, -}j 面 F 使网站更好的体现服装品牌风格,与品牌 传统形象保持 一 致性;另一方面,围绕以人为本的设计价值观, 根据用户需求 F 结合网络的特性和优势,做好网站的可剧性设计。
本研究对于国内服装企业建站、塑造品牌的网络形象具有实用价 值和指导志义。
关键词:服装 品牌形象 网络形象 网贝界面设计用户
The Research and Application 01 the Establishment of Apparel Brand Web Image
With the development of the fourth media World Wide Web ,as a kind of traditional industry ,more and more apparel enterprises contact the international world via the internet window. The images of the
enterpri es and the brands are bui It up ., the distribution channe l. and marketing are expanded on line. At the present time ,the most of the
apparel enterprises in our country do not identify their Web image with their apparel brand image ,which turn out to be an obstacle to show the image and character of the apparel brand. Most of the apparel
enterprises pay little attention to the establishment of the Web brand image ,the survey of the ta.r get users and the unremítting maintenance of
the Web ,the visitation 10 their Website is hereby declined.
This paper brings forward the outline and the resolvent to establish the apparel Web image through browsing and analyzing large amount of
apparel brand websites home and abroad ,getting real information in
the apparel enterprises in Shenzhen and Xi an according to the apparel brand image survey and the user needs concluded from the survey. This
paper is based on the cognizance psychology ,HCI and the apparel brand
establishment and communication theory. The o
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