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WORD格式整理版 学习参考好帮手 摘 要 本次设计的港址位于黄骅港港池的西南侧。根据港口地质条件、通货能力要求等,综合分析采用高桩码头结构形式。本次设计主要包括港口的平面布置和高桩码头结构的内力计算,以及进行必要的稳定性验算,并对其桩基施工工艺要点进行简要的说明。 码头总长871米,宽23米,顶面标高6.11米。该码头由两个5万吨泊位和一个3.5万吨泊位组成,仓库和堆场面积及分布根据货物量决定。码头的平面布置在充分考虑使用和管理要求的前提下进行了最优化的布置。码头面板采用预制板,搭接在纵梁上;纵梁使用期按刚性支撑连续梁计算;横梁使用期断面为钢筋混凝土叠合梁,横向排架计算采用桩两端为铰接的柔性桩台的计算方法;对面板、纵梁和横梁进行内力、配筋计算和抗裂验算。结构内力计算中对实际作用中可能同时作用在建筑物上的多种荷载,按照最不利的情况进行组合。桩采用的是预制预应力混凝土方桩,对桩基承载力进行计算及必要的验算。 关键字: 高桩码头,平面布置,横向排架,荷载组合,结构设计,内力计算, 配筋计算,验算 Abstract The design of port address is in the southwest side of the oil drilling basin. According to the port of geological conditions, currency capacity requirements, etc., comprehensive analysis of the piled wharf structures. This design mainly includes the port layout and internal force calculation of piled wharf structure, and make the necessary stability checking, and the main points in pile foundation construction technology briefly. Terminal total length of 871 meters, 23 meters wide, top surface elevation 6.11 meters. The pier by the two 50000 tons berth and a 35000 - ton berths, warehouse and yard area is determined according to the quantity of goods and distribution. Terminal layout on the premise of fully considering the use and management requirements for the optimization of the layout. Dock panel USES the precast slab, lap on the longitudinal beam; Longitudinal beam system are calculated by rigid support continuous beam; Beam cross section of reinforced concrete composite beams and transverse bent calculated with pile as hinges on both ends of the calculation method of flexible pile platform; On panel, longitudinal beam and beam internal force and reinforcement calculation and crack resistance calculation. Structural internal force calculation of actual effect in May at the same time role in a variety of load on the building, according to the most unfavorable situation. Pile is precast prestressed concrete pil



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