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中文摘要 我国的计算机服装设计行业方兴未艾,随着服装产业的发展以及品牌化的高 速提升,不管是服装企业还是在服装院校的教学中,都开始更多的涉及到数字图 像处理技术的应用研究。服装设计师在表现服装效果图时,要从艺术风格和实用 性两方面权衡,找到比较新颖的绘制方式,才能凸显新的风格和个性。较之传统 的手绘技术,基于计算机技术的服装设计图能更好的在绘制速度、风格、色彩、 调整手段上适应当今市场,并高效的服务于服装行业。 在服装效果图的绘制中,图像处理技术发挥了重要的作用。服装图案的选择 和色彩的搭配、着装模特服装的快速更替都可以用绘制技术中的图案替换、图层 混合、色彩调和以及基本的抠图原理来实现。 本文通过对电脑绘图中抠图技术的研究,分析了基于目标图像的抠图原理, 基于目标图像的滤波算法在抠图技术中的作用。图层混合在服装设计图的绘制过 程中发挥着重要的作用,本文详细分析了图层的混合原理以及在服装效果图绘制 过程中的实际应用。在服装图案的处理方式上,可以使用自定义图案和图案置换 的绘制技术,使服装面料的图案可以迅速并有效的展示出来。通过对颜色空间的 特性和它们之间的转换关系的分析,在服装效果图绘制过程,色彩搭配的选择有 了数据化的依据,对于色彩的明暗和纯度的调节能够更好的把握。 关键词:图像处理,服装效果图绘制,抠图,图层混合,色彩模型 ABSTRACT With the development of the clothing industry and the brand of high-speed ascension, computer garment design profession started to relate to the application of digital image processing techniques no matter in clothing enterprise or in the teaching of clothing colleges. When drawing effect map, fashion designer tend to find more innovative ways from two aspects of artistic style and practicability to highlight the new style and personality. Compared with the traditional hand-painted technology, Fashion design figure based on the computer technology can perform better in rendering speed, style, color, adjusting means to meet current market and to provide services for service industries. Image processing technology plays an important role in drawing effect map. Selecting clothing pattern, color matching, replacement of fashion model rapidly can be implemented by replacing pattern, mixing layer, color harmony and basic principle of digging out the image. Through researching dig out image technology of computer graphics, this article analysis the principle of digging out the image and the function of filtering algorithm in digging out image based on target images. The mixture of layer plays an important role in painting fashion effect maps, so this article analysis the principle of mixing layer and its practical application in details. We can make use of custom patterns and pattern replacement techn



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