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With the increase and common of ship trade, security and reliability requirement of ship electrical power system become more and more high, the scale and capacity of system are more and more big, complicated degree of system structure is more and more high. Environment of ship electrical power system is severe and it has intrinsic defects. So interference that exterior or inner can make ship electrical power system collapse. These interferences are likely to make a subsystem collapse suddenly, and it may cause chain effects collapse, ultimately the whole of ship electrical power system will collapse. So brittleness is to describe the function of complex power electric system.
From a new point of view, the security and reliability of ship electrical power system are researched. As a basic characteristic is introduced, the research on brittleness is still on the start stage. The research object of this paper is ship electrical power system. This main task is to establish brittleness model of the system.
Firstly, this paper introduces the definition, characteristic and the mathematical description of brittleness of the ship electrical power system. It was pointed out that stimulation conditions of brittleness of ship electrical power system, it gives complex power system to ship brittle transfer model.
Secondly, based on the brittleness model of systems, the edges describe the brittleness link between two subsystems, and the weight of edges are described the degree of brittleness link between two subsystems. The particle swarm optimization algorithm and ant colony algorithm are used to seek out the path that most likely to collapse, that is the biggest collapse path. Through prevent and control the biggest collapse of brittleness can effectively prevent occurrence of brittleness and the collapse of the whole system. Further shows the evolution of the brittle process of ship electric power system.
Thirdly, based on theory of AC current and agent di
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