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首都经济贸易大学硕士学位论文公司环境责任研究 首都经济贸易大学硕士学位论文 公司环境责任研究 I I 摘 要 工业革命的成果使得人类工业文明飞速发展,在经济高增长的同时,世界各国都 在面临一系列环境问题。公司作为经济生活中的主要角色,在制造巨大利润的同时也 带来一系列外部问题,如资源浪费、环境破坏,给社会的发展和人们的生活带来前所 未有的威胁。公司应承担环境社会责任已经成为世界各国的共识。 我国的环境问题日益严重,特别是近年来发生的几起重大环境污染事故,都与我 国公司环境责任立法不完善有关,完善我国环境保护法律势在必行。我国环境法研究 起步较晚,在公司承担环境社会责任的立法方面也存在一些问题。本文首先对公司环 境责任的概念进行了界定,在对公司承担责任的理论基础进行研究之后,通过对我国 的环境立法进行梳理和分析,总结出我国相关法律规范不完善的地方,再借鉴国外发 达国家如美国、日本、德国等的相关立法中的经验,从而对完善我国公司环境责任立 法提出建议。 本文主要采用了历史的研究方法、 比较研究方法、法社会学研究方法、实证研 究方法等。通过一些真实案例之间的比较,使得观念更具说服力。 关键词:环境责任 公司 法律完善 II II Abstract The results of the industrial revolution makes the rapid development of industrial civilization. With the high economic growth, all countries in the world are facing a series of environmental problems.Companies play an important role in the ecnomic development,they make a huge profit,at the same time, they also bring a series of exterior problems,such as the waste of resources,the ruin of the environment and so on.The problems bring a hitherto unknowm threats to the social development and people’s life. Companies should bear the social responsibility of environment has become the consensus of the world. There are several serious environmental pollution accident in China recent years.China’ environmental problem is increasingly serious.As the corporate enviromental responsibility legislation is not perfect,it is high time to improve the laws.China’s environmental law research started late,and there is a lot of disadvantages of the corporate environmental social responsibility legislation.This paper take the concept of reponsibility for the company as the begining,then reserch the theoretical basis of the corporate environmentail social responsibility,based on the legislation in China review and analysis,summed up the shortages in relevant laws and regulations.At the last,this paper draw lessons from developed countries such as United States,Japan,Germany and so on,and make some suggestions to improve China’corporate environmental responsibility le



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