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硕士学 硕士学位论文 I I PAGE PAGE IV 毕业论文题目: 公民个人信息安全的监管问题研究 行政管理 专业 10 级研究生姓名:谭洵 指导教师(姓名、职称): 白雪涛 副教授 摘 要 随着科学技术的不断进步,社会网络化、信息化发展迅速,使公民的各种信息趋于 公开化和透明化,虽然给人们的沟通交流带来了便捷,但也给公民个人的信息安全带来 了危机,如个人信息泄露现象日趋严重,出现了银行卡诈骗、手机短信诈骗、网络诈骗 等各种各样的社会案件,给社会秩序和稳定造成了一定的干扰和紊乱。因此,在当前社 会下加强公民个人的信息安全,维护正常的社会经济、政治秩序尤显重要,研究公民个 人信息安全的监管问题意义深远。 目前,针对我国公民个人信息安全的管理现状,不难发现公民个人信息安全的监管 问题是最突出的问题,如监管主体不清,多头监管、责任推诿、监管方式单一等问题导 致监管低效,个人信息泄露频频发生,对此问题,本文尝试提出加强公民个人信息安全 的具体立法、制定明确的个人信息保护标准、明确监管主体的权限和责任、改变原有的 单一式监管方式,让社会组织和公民参与其中,使监管方式多样化等对策建议,以此提 高公民个人信息安全的监管效率,保护公民个人的信息安全,最大程度维护公民个人权 益,不断促进社会和谐稳定、有序发展。 关键词:信息安全;监管低效;自我防范;个人信息保护 ABSTRACT Abstract THESIS : Research on regulatory issues of security of personal information of citizens SPECIALIZATION: Administration management M.A.CANDIDATE: Tan Xun MENTOR: Prof. Bai Xuetao With the continuous progress of science and technology, social networking, information technology has developed rapidly, so that citizens of all kinds of information tends to openness and transparency, communication to people convenient, but also to the individual citizens of the Information Security brought a crisis, such as the disclosure of personal information aggravation of the problems, there has been a variety of social cases of bank card fraud, SMS fraud, phishing, caused some interference and disturbance to social order and stability. Therefore, in the current society to strengthen information security of individual citizens, maintain normal socio-economic and political order is particularly important to study the security of personal information of citizens far-reaching regulatory issues. Currently, the security of personal information management status for our citizens, it is not difficult to find the personal information of citizens for monitoring the safety problem is the most prominent problem, such as the regulatory body is unclear, long regulatory, passing the buck of responsibility, and a single regulatory approach lead to regulatory inefficiency, disclosure of personal info



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