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山东科技大学硕士学位论文摘要 山东科技大学硕士学位论文 摘要 山东科技大学硕士学位论文摘要 山东科技大学硕士学位论文 摘要 1 1 2 2 摘要 目前,我国正处在经济飞速发展时期,现阶段关于加强基础设施建设的政策进一步 促进了工程项目的持续发展。工程进度管理是工程项目管理的关键内容。工程项目能否 在预定的时间内交付使用,直接关系到项目经济和社会效益的发挥。现代工程建设项目 的复杂性、艰巨性和重要性决定了需要建立进度管理绩效考核体系,对项目的执行情况 进行客观、全面、快捷准确地监督与评价,并及时发现问题、解决问题。对工程进展现 状的客观评价,既是项目进度控制的基础,也是工程项目管理决策的依据。 论文从我国目前工程项目进度管理绩效评价的实际现状出发,结合我国工程项目进 度管理的特点和国外绩效评价的先进理念,客观分析工程项目进度管理绩效评价在我国 理论研究和实际运用中存在的问题,在此基础上构建了新型工程项目进度管理绩效评价 体系模型,并运用模糊综合评价法对大南山隧道项目的进度控制管理绩效进行了评价, 最后提出进一步研究的方向。 关键词:进度管理 绩效评价体系 模糊综合评价 Abstract At present, the economy of China is in the period of rapid development, the gover nment’s strengthening infrastruct ural invest ment policy has promoted the construct ion project ’s susta inable development. Progress of the project ma nagement is a key element of project ma nagement. Whet her the project is delivered within the scheduled time is directly related to the economic and socia l benefits of the project. Complexity, difficulty and importance of the moder n engineer ing construct ion project decide the need for establishing the performa nce evaluation system of schedule ma nagement, and to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the project objective, comprehensive, efficiently and accurately, and to detect and solve problems. Objective evaluation of the status quo of progress on the project is both the basis of progress control and the foundation of project ma nagement decision- making. This paper starts from the actual status of performa nce evaluation of the progress ma nagement, combined with the progress ma nagement features and foreign advanced concepts on performa nce evaluation, and objective analyze of the problems in theor y and practica l applica tion .On this basis, build ing a new engineer ing project schedule ma nagement performa nce evaluation system model and using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation met hod to evaluate the performa nce of the progress of the project for large NanSha n tunne l, and fina lly propose further research directions. Keywords



peili2018 + 关注


