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摘 摘 要 I I 摘 要 分数阶微分方程作为一个新的微分系统的研究方向广泛应用于控制理论, 流体力学, 昆沌和生物工程等领域, 己成为不可或缺的数学工具, 受到了各国学者的高度重视, 并得 到了快速的发展. 稳定性问题是研究各种动力系统的最基本的问题之一. 在实际建立微分模型的过程 中, 不可避免的地出现无法估计的微小扰动, 这些干扰使得微分方程解的稳定性发生本 质性的变化. 因此稳定性有其重要的研究意义和使用价值. 本文主要运用了Lyapunov方法分别讨论了不同类型的分数阶微分方程组的解的稳定 性, 得到了方程组解稳定的结果. 全文共分三部分. 第一部分对于 Caputo 时带分数阶微分 方程组进行了研究, 给出比较定理, 运用比较方法方法证明解的两度量稳定的结果. 第二 部分对于含时带和脉冲的分数阶泛函微分方程组进行了研究, 运用 Lyapunov 方法, 得到 了方程组解稳定的结果. 第三部分对于扰动项在阶数上的 Caputo 分数阶微分方程组研 究, 利用 Lyapunov 方法得到了方程组解稳定的结果. 关键词 分数阶, 微分方程, 稳定性, Lyapunov函数, 比较定理. Abstract Abstract II II Abstract The fractional differential equations as a new research area of mathematics of differential systems are widely used in the field of control theory, fluid dynamics, chaos and biological engineering, become an indispensable mathematical tools, are attached by scholars from various countries, and get rapidly development. Stability is one of the most basic problems to study a variety of dynamic systems. In the process of establishing model, it inevitably appear small disturbance which can not be esti- mated. These interference makes the solution of differential equations occurring a fundamental change. So, the stability has important research significance and value. In this paper, the stability of solutions to some fractional differential equations are studied, implying with Lyapunov method. Some results of stability are got. The paper is composed of three parts. In the first part, by employing the comparative method for stability of fractional dif- ferential equations with time-delay, a comparative theorem is got, then the solution of stability of the differential equations is proven by using the theorem. In the second part, the problems of fractional functional differential equations with both time-delay and impulsive are considered. By using Lyapunov method, the result of stability of the equations is got. In the third part, equations with the disturbance term on the order is discussed. By using Lyapunov method, the stability of t



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