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I I 摘要 摘 要 随着石油工业的不断发展,大规模构造型油气藏已逐渐被开采,薄层型油气 藏成为了下一步开采的目标。因此,对这类油气藏的勘探与高精度预测成为了当 前研究的热点。常规波阻抗已不能满足这种精细勘探的需求,叠前 AVO 信息对储 层解释的重要性逐渐突出,对能够充分反映这种 AVO 特性的弹性阻抗进行相关研 究,势在必行。本文针对弹性阻抗反演过程中的关键技术开展研究,并进行算法 实现,具体工作如下: (1)研究了叠前地震信号预处理中的关键步骤,包括叠前地震信号去噪方法 的总结与对比,角度转换方法的研究及其实用性对比分析,角度部分叠加道集计 算方法的分析,并针对角度偏移问题提出局部加权叠加法和全局加权叠加法。 (2)研究了弹性阻抗的发展历程,对三种常用弹性阻抗做了具体分析,并针 对其幅值随角度变化不明显问题,提出了角度梯度弹性阻抗,对四种弹性参数进 行了典型地质参数及实际测井数据的仿真实验,着重分析了各自对储层预测的适 用性。 (3)研究了贝叶斯理论,并将贝叶斯理论用于叠前地震反演中,实现了基于 贝叶斯理论的弹性阻抗反演。 (4)研究了叠前弹性阻抗的反演流程,针对本文所提出的角度梯度弹性阻抗 的性质及特征,结合弹性阻抗反演流程,归纳出了角度梯度弹性阻抗的反演方法。 (5)在 Windows 操作平台下,使用 C++语言,实现了弹性阻抗反演的软件模 块,并利用理论数据,实际数据对模块进行测试,验证了研究方法的正确性和可 行性及软件模块的实用性。 关键词:叠前反演,弹性阻抗,贝叶斯理论,地震资料,油气储层预测 II II ABSTRACT ABSTRACT With the continuous development of the petroleum industry, large-scale oil and gas layers has been gradually mined, so thin type reservoirs become the next mining target, so the detection and precise location of such kind of reservoirs has become a hot research topic. Common acoustic impedance inversion method which does not concern the angle information can not meet the demand of such kind of precise positioning. As pre-stack AVO characteristics are becoming more and more important in reservoir prediction, it is imperative to study the elastic impedance which can fully reflect the AVO characteristics. The core issues in elastic impedance inversion are studied in this thesis, and the concrete work and achievements are as follows: Research the key steps of the pre-stack seismic signal preprocessing, including summary and comparison of pre-stack seismic signal de-noising methods, analysis on the usability of those methods of changing offset information to angle information. After that, a new method which called weighted average method presented in this thesis for calculating the partial angle stack gathers can help approaching the angle which amplitude of data means to the target angle. Study the development of elastic impedance. Make a detailed analysis on the three commonly used elastic



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