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西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 the namometer MoO3 by hydrothermal method was discussed. Using ammonium molybdate as starting reagents, the hexagonal MoO3 nanorods were synthesized via the ultrasonic method from the MoO3 sol, the optimal preparation parameters being 0.05mol/L for concentration of the reactant and 400℃ for calcination temperature;Similarly, the MoO3 nanobelts were prepared from the MoO3 sol in a self-made reactor. The results show that in the process of preparing nanometer MoO3,change in the reactant concentration results in the change of the specific surface area and surface free energy of the particles,which have influences on the size and dispersion condition of the product;the calcination temperature has influence on the crystal structure and the morphology of the product; the cavitation effect produced by the ultrasonic wave can lower the surface free energy of the particle,and the microjet and shockwave produced by the ultrasonic wave can break the as formed aggregates,hence the agglomeration of particles during the preparation of nano material can be solved effetively. Keywords: nanometer MoO3 ,solution approach,synthesis,hexagonal nanorods, nanobelt 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 纳米材料 1 1.1.1 纳米材料的特性 1 1.1.2 纳米材料的制备 3 1.2 纳米三氧化钼的研究进展 5 1.2.1 三氧化钼的结构 5 1.2.2 纳米三氧化钼的性质和应用 6 1.2.3 纳米三氧化钼的制备方法 9 1.3 纳米材料的团聚及其防止方法 15 1.3.1 团聚的分类 15 1.3.2 抑制团聚的措施 15 1.4 本课题研究内容及意义 17 2 实验及测试方法 19 2.1 实验部分 19 2.1.1 实验原料 19 2.1.2 实验的主要仪器设备 19 2.1.3 钼酸溶胶的制备 20 2.1.4 超声法制备 MoO3 20 2.1.5 水热法制备 MoO3 21 2.2 物性表征 22 HYPERLINK \l _TOC_250001 3 以钼酸钠为原料制备 MoO3 23 HYPERLINK \l _TOC_250000 3.1 超声法制备 MoO3 23 3.1.1 超声作用对产物的影响 23 3.1.2 钼酸钠浓度对产物的影响 24 3.1.3 煅烧温度对产物的影响 25 3.1.4 验证性实验 27 3.2 水热法制备 MoO3 29 3.2.1 水热时间对产物结构和形貌的影响 29 I 3.2.2 水热反应温度对产物结构和形貌的影响 31 3.2.3 验证性实验 32 3.3.4 MoO3 纳米带生长机理 34 3.4 本章小结 35 4 以仲钼酸铵为原料制备 MoO3 37 4.1 超声法制备纳米 MoO3 37 4.1.1 仲钼酸铵浓度对产物的影响 37 4.1.2 煅烧温度对产物的影响 38 4.1.3 验证性实验 40 4.2 水热法制备纳米 M



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