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II II mM川。恻叩明 mM川。 恻叩明AMU 州州州a川dv 唰唰唰《U 阳川州Rdw mma川 u 唰州州州 d1 州州Y .摘要 . 摘要 现代我国民法的重大发展表现之一,就是颁布了《物权法》和《侵权责任法)) , 但是该二部法律也存在缺陷,特别是随着经济的发展和科技飞跃,人们对地下 空间利用越来越充分,地下挖掘物也随之增多,物权法将地下挖掘物纳入建设 用地使用权的客体,地下?在掘物侵权只能勉强适用侵权责任法的过错责任原则, 二者对地下挖掘物的规定,都不符合社会发展的需要。较之传统的与土地相结 合的工作物,地下挖掘物及其侵权具有自身的特殊性。 对此,本文分为六章进行论述。第…章结合物权法、侵权责任法对地下挖掘 物及其侵权责任作了简要的概述。此外,物权法将地下挖掘物归属于建设用地 使用权的客体,从而引发我困地下空间权法律制度的探讨:第二章介绍外国地 下挖掘物相关规定及其对我国地下挖掘物侵权制度制定的影响。本章运用比较 研究法,对法国、德国、日本、英荧等主要国家的地下挖掘物侵权责任制度进 行考查:第二章阐述了地下挖掘物侵权责任的归责原则及构成要件。笔者认为, 地下挖掘物侵权的归责原则为过错推定,其构成要件采用四要件说:第四章介 绍了地下挖掘物致人损害责任的承担。本章首先论述了地下挖掘物侵权责任主 体如何确定。笔者认为,可以借鉴地下挖掘活动责任主体来确定地下挖掘物致 人损害的主体。其次,对责任形式的主要类型进行了阐述:第五章主要阐述了 地下挖掘物致人损害的免费事由及双方当事人对构成要件的证明责任分配:第 六章从公益诉讼和代表人诉讼制度角度阐述对地下挖掘物侵权的救济制度。 关键词:地下挖掘物:归黄原则:构成要件 k ABSTRACT ABSTRACT ηle development of modem performance of one of 由e major civil law is promulgated 伽.e Property Law and Tort Liability Act,b旧 the two laws are flawed. Especia11y with the economic development and technologicalleap ,people 缸e more and more full utilization of underground sp邸e,underground mining objects also are increased. Prope向r law into the ground excavated object of the right to use land for construction, underground mining property in仕ingement can barely apply Tort law principle of fault liabi1ity,出e two requirements of underground mining prope町, don创 me创 the needs ofsocial development. To the 衍aditiona1 combination of work and land prope町, underground mining properties and its tort has its own particularity in企ingement. In this regard, the paper that is divided into six chapters is discussed. The first chapter ,wi由 prope向r law and the law of the tort liability,underground mining properties and its liability excavated a brief overview. In additio凡做 ownershlp of underground mining trigger the legal system of underground space right;ηm second chapter describes the relevant foreign provisions of the underground mining and they have influence on the ma忧er of the underground mining development tort system. Comparison of m


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