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浅析都市近郊型旅游景点的幵发对策与研宄---以XX 为例 摘要 近几年,人们的工作压力越来越大,休息的时间也越来越紧迫,人们开始越 来越注重精神生活的享受,加上近几年旅游业的发展,从而引发了城郊旅游业开 发热潮,如各类度假村,城郊景点,农家乐等。人们逐渐选择偏远一点的郊区, 环境好的旅游景点来作为自己的一个选择。一方面,在游玩的和休憩的同时可以 释放自己的精神压力,另一方面,城郊旅游生态环保,在进行游玩的时候,还可 以为环保事业做贡献。城郊旅游是我国旅游业经济发展的产物,同时城郊旅游的 发展也可以推动我国旅游业的迅速发展。当然,城郊旅游热潮兴起的同时也滋生 了很多城郊旅游发展的问题。就这一研究课题,本文根据南京XX旅游景区的发 展状况对城郊旅游做了一个大致的研宂并制定了一些关于对城郊旅游发展的对 策与分析。 关键词:城郊旅游旅游业对策发展现状 Abstract In recent years,people work more and more pressure,the rest of the time is more and more urgent, more and more people began to focus on spiritual enjoyment, coupled with the development of tourism in recent years,which led to the suburban tourism development boom,such as various types of resorts,suburban attractions, agricultural Kellogg etc.. People gradually choose a remote suburb,good environment as a tourist attractions to choose their own. On the one hand,at the same time to play and rest can release their stress,on the other hand,the suburban tourism ecological environmental protection, in the play,but also contribute to the cause of environmental protection. Suburban tourism is a product of the economic development of China’s tourism industry, the rapid development of the suburban tourism development can also promote the tourism industry in china. Of course, at the same time,the rise of suburban tourism boom has spawned a lot of problems in the development of suburban tourism. In this study, based on the development of Nanjing pearl spring scenic spot of the suburban tourism has made a research and generally making some analysis and Countermeasures about the development of suburb tourism. Key word: The suburban tourism Tourism Countermeasures Development 目录 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 翻 I HYPERLINK \l bookmark1 \o Current Document \h Abstract II 觀 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark3 \o Current Document \h 1.1选题背景 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark4 \o Current Document \h i.i.i良好的旅游业发展背景 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark5 \o Current Document \h I.I.2经济的迅速发展 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark6 \o Current Document \h I.I.3人们生活的丰富度


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