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浅谈现代企业制度下成本管理的理论与实践 [主商要]现代企业制度是以产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学为特点,适应社会 主义市场经济耍求为目标的企业制度。现代成本有别于传统成本,现代成本是与现代管理科 学相结合,着重于为决策者提供相关而有用的信息的作业成本系统。成本管理是企业管理的 一个重要主面,通过对成本管理模式的研宄,一方面促使成本管理的进一步发展,另一方面 奋利于企业各项改革措施协调配合,推动各项专业管理朝着科技化方向发展。 Reflection on Brand with personality and CRM at the age of information [Abstract] The modern enterprise system is to clear property rights,powers and responsibilities clear, separate government functions from enterprise management, management science as the characteristic. To adapt to the requirements of the socialist market economy as the goal of the enterprise system. Modern cost is different from the traditional cost. Modern cost is combined with modern management science.Aims to provide decision makers and useful information related to activity based cost system.Cost management is an important main surface of enterprise management.Through the research on the cost management mode,On the one hand, promote the further development of cost management,on the other hand,is conducive to the coordination of various enterprise reform measures.lt promote the professional management towards the direction of the development of science and technology. TOC \o "1-5" \h \z 弓I胃 1 HYPERLINK \l "bookmark2" \o "Current Document" \h 一、 成本管理的基本构思与现状 1 HYPERLINK \l "bookmark3" \o "Current Document" \h (一) 现代企业制度下成本管理模式的设想 1 HYPERLINK \l "bookmark4" \o "Current Document" \h (二) 现代企业成本管理的现状 3 HYPERLINK \l "bookmark5" \o "Current Document" \h (三) 现代企业成本管理立足点 3 HYPERLINK \l "bookmark6" \o "Current Document" \h 二、 在现代企业制度中成木管理模式的重要性及作用 5 HYPERLINK \l "bookmark7" \o "Current Document" \h (一)加强企业现代成本管理的重要性 5 HYPERLINK \l "bookmark8" \o "Current Document" \h (二)成本管理模式的作用 6 HYPERLINK \l "bookmark9" \o "Current Document" \h 三、 我国企业成本管理模式应用于实践 6 HYPERLINK \l "bookmark10" \o "Current Document" \h (一) 成本控制是成本管理的重要手段 6 HYPERLINK \l "bookmark11" \o "Current Document" \h (二) 成木控制是推动改善企业经营管理的动力 6 HYPERLINK \l "bookmark12" \o "Current Document" \h (三) 成本控制是建立健全厂内经济责任制的重要条件 7


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