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山西师范大学毕业论文报告 论文题目: 学院(系): 专 业: 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 浅析 内酒店行业微信营销策略 历史与旅游文化学院 旅游管理 刘飞 1013020109 胡炜霞 二O—四年四月十日 标题:微信营销已经占据酒店营销模式中非常重要的位置 内容 随着互联网的普及和手机应用软件的快速更新,出现了一个又一个风靡的手机 app软件,这些软件如冋日常生活用品一样,对于大众有很高的使用率,众多的企业 抓住这一契机,纷纷投入到手机软件平台来做自己的销售,截止去年,微信使用人数 已经突破4亿,这是一个非常巨大的数目。酒店企业也捕捉到这个机会,迅速建立自 己的公众平台,通过公众平台发布酒店的实时优惠信息或是酒店美景来吸引眼球。本 篇文章探讨微营销作为酒店新型的营销方式,不仅是众多人型的酒店企业的选择,很 多中小型洒店凭借成本不高的微营销也迅速抢占了可观的客源市场。其中七天连锁酒 店可谓是在“押注”微营销能带来特别好的效果。其实在微信公众平台中,还有一部 分非营利性的公众账号,分享着旅游体验和入住感受,这些公众平台无形中也促进了 酒店的营销宣传,所以作为流行元素,微信的存在与发展在促进着各个领域的变更。 关键词:微信酒店微营销公众平台微支付 Abstract: With the popularity of the Internet and mobile applications for quick update.There are many popular mobile phones APPs appeared one by ones.These softwares like the daliy necessities. For the public has a high utilization rate, Many enterprises seize the opportunity.AII of them have run into the mobile phone software platform to do their own sales.As of last year,the users’s number have 400 million,this is a huge number. Hotel companies also capture this opportunity, they set up their own public platform quickly. Through the public platform release real-time preferential information or hotel beautiful scenery to attract eyeball. This article discusses the marketing as the hotel new way of marketing. Not only many large hotel enterprise choice this way, Many small and medium-sized hotel with the cost is not high micro marketing also quickly take considerable tourist market. Actually in the micro letter public platform, Part of this non-profit public account, Share their feelings and check in the tourism experience, The public platform virtually have contributed to the hotel marketing campaigns. So as a popular element, Of the existence and development of “Wechat” has promoted the changes in various fields. key words: wechat public platform Hotel micro marketing 目录 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 引言 5 一>微信营销相关概念 5 HYPERLINK \l bookmark5 \o Current Document \h 二、 当前国内酒店主要营销方式与营销环境变化 6 (一) 主要营销方式 6 (二) 营销环境变化 7 HYPERLINK \l bookmark6 \o Current Docum


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