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國立中山大學管理學院 國際高階經營碩士學程專班 (IEMBA 1) 碩 士 論 文 指導教授:徐守德 博士 陳安琳 博士 企業的匯率風險管理與策略 研究生:謝美玉 撰 中華民國九十一年學年度 中文摘要 由於國際金融市場自由化,國與國之間資本的轉移也與日俱增。企業國際化的 結果,雖然提供更多機會,但亦增加經營的複雜度,就企業的財務而言,現金的收 支可能包含許多不同的幣種,因而產生了所謂的「匯兌風險」,提高了財務營收的變 數,為有效掌握企業的財務運作,規避「匯兌風險」就成了財務單位的重點要項。 本論文將就國內目前企業所能交易的外匯衍生性金融市場,如:現匯交易、遠 期外匯交易、外匯選擇權交易等三種目前企業最常使用避險工具,作一全面性之探 討。 研究結論如下: 1. 外匯操作方式,最不具避險的原始方式就是即期匯率即期付款,到期直接面 對當時的匯率風險,其次則是遠期外匯,預先設定未來時間的匯率,以時間差賺取 匯差,而最具避險功能的外匯操作則是「外匯選擇權」,可運用選擇權的的彈性,發 揮避險功能。 2. 選擇外匯選擇權和遠期外匯相比,遠期外匯到期時,不管匯率走勢,仍須執行。 選擇權因有買方「權利」,屆時匯率若超過預期時,則可以放棄執行,在進行避 險時,可控制最大損失,又不必放棄匯率走勢有利時的機會。 Abstract In today’s worldwide economy, to stay competitive a company needs to take advantage of every opportunity to lower their costs, to increase margins and realize the saving that can come from doing business overseas. Today trillions of dollars in the currencies trade everyday in markets around the world. The currency markets are considered to be one of the most efficient markets. As companies dealing with import and export, they have exposure to currencies risk. The increasing difficulty in understanding exchange rate determination has led to for corporations how to approach the currency hedging decision. The importance of financial and operational hedges as tools for managing foreign-currency exposure is examined. In this thesis, the three basic methods for evaluating the currency risks are with the use of the spot rate method, the future rate method and the currency options. The results are summarized as follow: 1. In terms of currency exposure, the sport rate method leaves the currency exposure un-hedged. Futures and the options hedge technique are most widely used and the information to evaluate the use of these instruments as a hed


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