[1968]One Man's View of Computer Science电子版.pdf

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1968 ACM Turing Lecture One Mails View ef Cemp~ter Sclenee R. 3V. HAMMING Belt TelephoneLaboratories, Inc., Murray Hill, New Jersey ABST]RACT. A number of observations and comments are directed toward suggesting that more than the usual engineering flavor be given to computer science. The engineering aspect is important because most present di~culties in this field do not involve the theoretical question of whether certain things can be done, but rather the practical question of how can they be accomplished well and simply° The teaching of computer science could be made more effective by various alterations~ for example, the inclusion of a laboratory course in programming~ the requirement for a strong minor in something other thaa mathematics~ and more practical coding and less abstract theory, as well as more seriousness and less game playing. xEY w o t m s AND PI~'aAS~S: c o m p u t e r seience~ c o m p u t e r e n g i n e e r i n g , p r a c t i c a l p r o g r a m m i n g ~ m a t h e m a t i c a l g a m e - p l a y i n g , c o m p u t e r t e c h n i c i a n , c o m p u t e r p r o f e s s i o n a l , t r u e - t o - l i f e p r o - g r a m m i n g , computer science curriculum, software, basic research, undirected research, pro- grammers' ethical standards, programmers' social responsibility c~ CATEa0a~S: 1.3, 1.50 Let me begin with a few personal words. When one is notified that he has been elected the A C M Turing lecturer for the year, he is at firstsurprised--especially is the nonacademic person surprised by an A C M award. After a little while the surprise is replaced by a .feeling of pleasure. Still later comes a feeling of " W h


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