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※Classifications of neonates ※Special features nursing of full-term and preterm infants Classifications of neonates 1 by gestational age(GA): ○ term infant:≥ 37 we and 42 we 足月儿 ○ preterm infant: 37 we 早产儿 ○ post-term infant:≥ 42 we 过期产儿 2 by birth weight(BW): ◎extremely low birth weight (ELBW): BW 1000g 超低出生体重儿 ◎very low birth weight (VLBW): BW 1000g 极低出生体重儿 ◎low birth weight infant (LBW): BW 2500g 低出生体重儿 ◎normal birth weight infant (NBW): BW 2500g-4000g 正常体重儿 ◎macrosomia: BW 4000g 巨大儿 3 by the relationship between birth weight and gestational age: □ small for gestational age infant(SGA)* 小于胎龄儿(足月小样儿) □ appropriate for gestational age infant(AGA) 适于胎龄儿 □ large for gestational age infant(LGA) 大于胎龄儿 4 by the weeks age after birth: early newborn: within 1w 早期新生儿 late newborn: 2-4w 晚期新生儿 Lever Ⅰnursery Lever Ⅱ nursery Lever Ⅲ nursery neonatal intensive care unit,NICU Normal term infant Any live infant whose gestational age is from 37 to 42 weeks with birth weight≥ 2.5kg and ≤4kg, mature systems and organs and no malformation or disease. Comparisons of the outlooks of the preterm and full-term infants Comparisons of the outlooks of the preterm and full-term infants Comparisons of the outlooks of the preterm and full-term infants Comparisons of the outlooks of the preterm and term infants Comparisons of the outlooks of the preterm and full-term infants Comparisons of the outlooks of the preterm and full-term infants Comparison of the features between preterm and term infant Comparisons of the outlooks of the preterm and full-term infants 2 physiologic features 2.1 respiratory system first cry fluid in the lung respiratory rate and rhyme respiratory tract pulmonary surfactant 2.2 cardiovascular system: changes of the blood


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