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实用标准文案 实用标准文案 精彩文档 精彩文档 实用标准文案 精彩文档 基于希尔伯特振动分解的电压闪变检测新方法* 刘 慧,刘国海,沈 跃 (江苏大学 电气信息工程学院 镇江 212013) 摘 要:提出将一种新的非平稳信号处理方法——希尔伯特振动分解(HVD)应用于电压闪变分析。针对工频载波中含有高次谐波的电压闪变信号,该方法根据闪变解析信号的瞬时频率表达式可以分解为工频值与高次谐波引起的快速变化不对称振荡高频值之和的特性,利用低通滤波器直接估计出工频载波瞬时频率,通过同步检测准确分离出工频载波电压闪变包络,无需预处理即消除了高次谐波的影响。同时该方法可以自适应地检测出闪变调制的频率和幅值等参数,与小波方法相比无需基函数。仿真表明,但在含高次谐波的情况下HVD方法能准确检测出闪变包络及其调制参数,与小波方法相比精度和运算效率更高。实验进一步证明了该方法的有效性和正确性。 关键词:电压闪变;希尔伯特振动分解;小波变换;包络检测 中图分类号:TM714  文献标识码:A  国家标准学科分类代码:120.10 Novel method for detection of voltage flicker based on Hilbert vibration decomposition Liu Hui, Liu Guohai, Shen Yue (School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, 212013, China) Abstract:A novel non-stationary signal processing method, Hilbert Vibration Decomposition (HVD), is introduced to the voltage flicker analysis. When voltage flicker accompanies with high order harmonics, the instantaneous frequency of its analytic signal in principle consists of two different parts, power frequency and a rapidly varying asymmetrical oscillating part. The important property of the instantaneous frequency offers a direct way to estimate the power frequency using a low-pass filter and remove the high order harmonics without pre-treatment procedures. Corresponding voltage flicker envelope is estimated using synchronous detection. The HVD method does not involves basic functions that the wavelet transform method needs. It can also adaptively estimate the frequency and amplitude of every modulation frequency component. Simulation results prove that the proposed method could accurately detect voltage flicker with high order harmonics. It has higher calculation efficiency and detection precision than wavelet transform method. Experimental results show that the new algorithm is feasible and efficient. Key words:voltage flicker; Hilbert Vibration Decomposition (HVD); wavelet transform; envelope detection 实用标准文案 实用标准文案 精彩文档 1 引  言 随着工业技术的发展,大量非线性冲击性负荷进入电网,导致电力需求急速变动。由此引起的电网电压波动不仅会干扰公共电网,而且会严重影响电网中


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