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实用标准文案 精彩文档 高职数学建模应用案例 ——天然肠衣搭配问题模型研究 胡婷 程华 陈波 (湖北交通职业技术学院,湖北 武汉 430079) 摘要:本文建立了天然肠衣搭配问题的整数规划模型,首先由题意知某种规格对应肠衣的原料如果出现剩余,则可以降级使用,因此要对肠衣进行分级考虑。我们将天然肠衣原料按长度分为三级,从第三级开始,若肠衣有剩余,则将剩余的第三级肠衣原料降级到第二级使用,依此类推。最后使得到的捆扎好的成品达到最大化。再根据题目中公司对搭配方案的其他要求,将此模型改进。用LINGO求解得到:从第三级肠衣开始计算,三级天然肠衣的最大捆数分别为131捆、47捆、14捆,综合得到天然肠衣的最大总捆数为192捆,此时有15根一级肠衣剩余。最后我们将此模型进行了一般化与推广。 关键词:天然肠衣搭配问题;LINGO;整数规划 Higher professional application of mathematical modeling case ——Natural casing tie-in problem model research Hu ting, Cheng hua, Chen bo ( Hubei Communications Technical College, Hubei Wuhan 430079 ) Abstract: This paper has established an integer programming model which about natural casing tie-in problem, first of all, by subject know that if a specification of the corresponding casing raw material appear surplus, it can be downgraded ,so we should consider to divide casing classification. According to the length,We will divide natural casing raw materials into three levels, and from the third level start, if there are casing surplus,the surplus of the third levels casing raw material relegation to the second level to use, by analogy. Finally have to maximize the strapping good products. According to the questions in the scheme of collocation of other requirements, the model has improved.With the LINGO solving get: from the third levels casing began to calculation, the three levels natural casings maximum number is 131 bundles, 47 bundles, 14 bundles, comprehensively get the biggest total bundle of natural casing for 192 bales, right now hasthe first level casing surplus for 15 root .Finally ,this model was generalization and promotion by us. 实用标准文案 精彩文档 1. 问题重述 1.1 问题背景 天然肠衣制作加工是我国的一个传统产业,出口量占世界首位。肠衣经过清洗整理后被分割成长度不等的小段(原料),进入组装工序。传统的生产方式依靠人工,边丈量原料长度边心算,将原材料按指定根数和总长度组装出成品(捆)。 1.2 相关约定 原料按长度分档,通常以0.5米为一档,如:3-3.4米按3米计算,3.5米-3.9米按3.5米计算,其余的依此类推。 1.3 问题提出 题目中给出了公司对搭配方案的要求,以及成品规格表和原料描述表,我们要建立一个数学模型使其同时达到如下五个要求: (1)对于给定的一批原料,装出的成品捆数越多越好; (2)对于成品捆数相同的方案,最短长度最长的成品越多,方案越好; (3)为提高原料使用率,总长度允许有± 0.5米的误差,总根数


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