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[h??p?t?k] Typical CT and MRI signs of hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma[?ep?θi:l???d][hi,m?nd?i?uend?u,θi:li?um?] All cases were classified as one of three types: (i) Solitary nodular type ; (ii) multifocal nodular type ; or (iii) diffuse type . The diameter of the lesions ranged from 5 to 105 mm. For the first two types (solitary and multifocal nodular types), the CT findings included low density lesions with clear margins on non-contrast scans, centripetal [s?n?tr?p?tl] enhancement in arterial phase, and homogeneous enhancement in the portal venous [?vin?s] and delay phases. The fidings of non-contrast MRI scans for these two types included low signal intensity on T1-weighted images, heterogeneous high signal intensity on T2-weighted images, and heterogeneous high signal intensity on diffusion-weighted images.The lesions were predominantly located in submarginal areas. On contrast?enhanced MRI, the fidings for the first two types included peripheral ring-like enhancement with a central low signal intensity (?black target-like sign) and a central enhanced core surrounded by a low signal intensity halo (?white target?like’ sign). The findings for the third HEH type (diffuse type) on CT and MRI scans included low density or heterogeneous signal intensity lesions involving regions of part or the whole liver, coalescent lesions (‘strip-like’ sign), and gradual enhancement along central vessels (‘lollipop’ sign). Hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (HEH) is a rare vascular tumor of endothelial [?end?θi:l?rl] origin with low- to intermediate-grade malignancy . Previous studies have revealed that HEH tends to coalesce into diffuse lesions in the late stages of the disease .Conventional treatments of HEH include surgical resection or liver transplantation. Previously, certain novel systemic drugs have been used in the treatment of HEH, including thalidomide [θ??l?d??ma?d]沙利度胺and sorafenib 索拉芬妮. The prognosis [prɑ:g?no?s?s] for patients with HEH is con


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