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Tuesdays with Morrie -----Mitch Albom An old man, a young man, and a life lessonThe Introduction of the Book This is a true story: Morrie, septuagenarian professor of social psychology, who suffered from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis( ALS ) at 1994, died a year later. As Morrie’s early protege, Mitch went his home and accompanied him at every Tuesday in fourteen weeks when the old professor was bedridden, listening to his final teachings, and after the teachers death, Mitch recorded the teacher perception of life written in the Tuesdays with Morrie“. 这是一个真实的故事:年逾七旬的社会心理学教授莫里在一九九四年罹患肌萎缩性侧索硬化,一年以后与世长辞。作为莫里早年的得意门生,米奇在老教授缠绵病榻的十四周里,每周二都上门与他相伴,聆听他最后的教诲,并在他死后将老师对生活的感悟记录下来,写成《相约星期二》。The Topics What They Are Talking aboutThe First Tuesday – talking about the worldThe Second Tuesday –talking about self-pityThe Third Tuesday–talking unfortunatelyThe Fourth Tuesday–talking about deathThe Fifth Tuesday – talking about familyThe Sixth Tuesday --talking about feelingsThe Seventh Tuesday – talking about the fear of agingThe Eighth Tuesday --talking about moneyThe Ninth Tuesday – talking about eternal loveThe Tenth Tuesday – talking about marriageThe Eleventh Tuesday --talking about our cultureThe Twelfth Tuesday--talking about forgiveness The Thirteenth Tuesday -- talking about a perfect dayThe Fourteenth Tuesday – saying goodbye All you need is food, but you want a chocolate sundae. 你需要的是食物,而你想要的却是巧克力圣代。 The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and accept it. “人生最重要的是学会如何施爱于人,并去接受爱。” Once you find the meaning of life, you will not want to go back to the past. You want to move forward, you want to see more, and do more. 你一旦找到了生活的意义,你就不会想回到从前。你想往前走,你想看得更多,做的更多。 What is the most difficult thing? Make peace with life. 什么是最困难的事? 与生活讲和。Learn to forgive yourself and to forgive others学会原谅自己和原谅别人。Dont assume that its too late to get involved.生活中永远别说太迟了Love each other or perish.相爱或者死亡。Accept the past as past, without denying it or discarding it.承认过去,不要否认它或抛


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