新版七年级上册英语Unit7_How_much_are_these_socks? 全单元课件.ppt

新版七年级上册英语Unit7_How_much_are_these_socks? 全单元课件.ppt

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新版七年级上册英语Unit7_How_much_are_these_socks? 全单元课件.ppt

4. I need a sweater for school. 我需要一件毛衣上学穿。 need是实义动词,意为“需要”。常用于以下句式中: 1) need+sth.,表示“需要某物”。如: I need some erasers. 我需要一些橡皮。 2) need +to do sth. 表示“需要做某事”,这时need的主语是“人”。如: You need to put on your jacket. 你需要穿上我有夹克。 * 5. I’ll take it. 我要买下它。 此句是选好商品并决定购买时的常用语。若选定的物品是单数,可以说“I’ll take/have it”;若选定的物品是复数则应说“I’ll take/have them.”。如: The sweater is cheap. I’ll take it. 这件毛衣很便宜。我买了。 —The oranges are 2 dollars. 这些桔子两美元。 —I’ll take them. 我买了。 * Can I help you ? 服务员首先打招呼 May I help you? What can I do for you? I’m looking for … 顾客讲出要求 需要购买时 I’d like … I want … Can I have a look at… 只是闲逛时 Just have a look. No, thanks. I’m just looking around. 询问顾客想买的商品时 What kind/color/size do you want? What about the color /size? 向顾客推荐商品时 How do you like…? How about…? How much is it? 询问和说明价格 How much are they? What ’s the price of…? It’s …/They’re… 决定购买 I’ll take it / them. 付钱 Here is the money. 进店时 挑选货物 * A: Can I help you? B: Yes,please.I want a hat. A: Here you are. B: How much is it? A: 7 dollars. B: I’ll take it. Thank you . A: You are welcome. You can like this: * hat T-shirt jacket sweater skirt shorts shoes socks trousers dollars Exercises 一看图说出下列物品的英语单词 * Homework: name What? What col



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