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实用标准文案 精彩文档 内容摘要   绘本艺术,不仅对幼儿和少年的早期启蒙教育有着十分重要及深远的影响,有些意义非凡的佳作也会成为“给大人看的童话书”,给予成年人精神上的娱乐与享受。本篇论文通过对照国内外这一艺术形式的发展历史,并对不同时期的绘本作品做一简介,对其进行由表及里的观察与总结,并发现了许多国内外绘本艺术的不同之处。我国绘本艺术发展处于初期阶段,应该如何在参考、借鉴西方优秀作品的基础上,创造出具有浓厚中国艺术风格和民族内涵的绘本艺术。论文在对国内外绘本艺术的基本发展状况进行对比分析的基础上,结合个人绘本作品《水晶球里的海洋 Ocean in Crystal》(上)(下),进一步具体阐述个人在绘本创作中,对优秀绘本的借鉴学习,以及个人绘画艺术风格的探索。 关键词:绘本 国内外作品发展现状 绘本艺术原创 Abstract Graphic art, not only on the early enlightenment education of young children and teens is very important and far-reaching influence, some significant good will also be a give adults see fairy tale book, giving adult entertainment and enjoyment in spirit.This paper by contrasting the development history of this art form both at home and abroad, and picture books of different period works do a brief introduction, carries on the observation and summary of its excellent, and found a lot of different graphic art at home and abroad.Painting art development at an early stage in our country, how should the reference and draw lessons from the west, on the basis of outstanding works, to create a strong ethnic connotation of Chinese artistic style and painting art.Papers on domestic and foreign development status of the basic graphic art, on the basis of comparative analysis, combined with personal painting book Ocean Ocean in Crystal in the Crystal ball (The first) (The last), further elaborates on the individual in this creation, the reference for good picture books to study, and the exploration of personal painting style. Key words: digital painting artwork: development situation at home and abroad :the original digital painting artwork 目 录 摘 要 1 Abstract 2 TOC \o 1-2 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc293930319 一、引 言 PAGEREF _Toc293930319 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc293930322 二、绘本艺术在国内外的发展历史 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc293930323 (一)绘本艺术在国外的发展历史 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc293930324 (二)绘本艺术在国内的发展历史 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc293930325 三、中国绘本艺术形式的发展历程 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc293930329 四、绘本艺术对大众产生吸引的原因 5 HYPERLINK \l


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