唐伯虎点秋香(英文剧本) 改编版.docVIP

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唐伯虎点秋香(英文剧本) 改编版

PAGE 4 PAGE 1 Flirting Scholar (唐伯虎点秋香) Act 1 地点:A river side, on the street 人物:两女子、四大才子、如花、华夫人、四香、两家丁、两狗仔队 迈克尔杰克逊音乐响起,四大才子身着西装,舞蹈上场。舞蹈结束: 一女子: Go and have a look.(两女子小跑到四大才子斜侧痴情的看着) 四大才子:Ladys and gentlemen, we are the 'Four Scholars' . (从左到右:祝掐腰叼烟样,文抱手样,唐扇子遮脸坏笑样, 周拿枪耍酷样,众女子倾倒) 祝枝山: (从后背掏出扇子)We come here for a tour.That’s why the girls are that crazy. 文征明: Pals, why not has a poem competition?(走出来邀请三人) 祝: Very good idea!Why don't you start first? Brother Wen bin. (做请他人样) 周文斌: l am the best in this field. 'There are many geese under the mountain.'(顺手指河) 文征明: 'They rushed down to the river.'(顺手指河) 祝: 'Let's roast a goose.'(顺手指河) 唐: 'After roasting, you'd better go home for a screw.' 三人: Good, very good. Very good!(三人笑,唐伯虎逛笑) 祝: There is something attractive. See, there is a beauty on the bridge. (指向原不远处,泰坦尼克号音乐响起,如花缓缓走过)She seems to be lonely.Why not show us your talent about how to court a girl. To let us learn from you! 唐: Well... 周文斌: lt's the welfare for your friends, so? 唐: l am glad to demonstrate it. 三人: Go. 唐: Miss. 如花: What's the matter? (一回头,竟是如花!唐伯虎吃惊样并伴随呕吐感, 苦笑回头看其他三人) 三人: Go, go... 唐: May l put my head on your shoulder? 如花: ls it OK? No, l am a girl, a decent girl.(大惊小怪的说出) 唐: l know, l want to make my friends happy, that's all.ln fact, l am Tong Pak-Fu.(正经样) 如花: So what?l don't know you.l will shout for help if you don't leave me alone. 唐: How about paying you 1 tael?(掏出一块钱) 如花: 1 tael? Who do you think l a.m.?Make it ten.(伸手不屑样) 唐: That's too expensive, why don't you rob? 如花: Right, l am robber.Give me all your money.(两人乱打,最后如花 被唐伯虎打落河中) 三人: What's wrong?(赶到桥上)What’s the matter? 文征明: No need to punch her like that? 唐: Robber! lt's a ladyboy! 三人: Ladyboy? 祝: l love it. Hold it.(眼睛往上挑一下,祝枝山将折扇递给文斌, 跳入河中) 文征明: Dam



