2012秋外研版七上Unit2《These are my parents》.ppt

2012秋外研版七上Unit2《These are my parents》.ppt

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Module 2 Unit2 These are my parents Hello ,my name is YaYa . These are my parents. She is a teacher . He is a worker . This is my mother. This is my father . What jobs do you know ? Learning aims : To understand job introduction in reading . To write personal information , using full stops and capital letters correctly . driver bus bus station He is a . What’s his job? at the hospital doctor nurse at the He is a . She is a . What’s his /her job ? policeman policemen This is a . These are . police station at the an English actor theater \ theatre He is an . What’s his job ? at the He is a Chinese actor . hotel hotel manager She is a . What’s her job? teacher school What’s his job? He is a . at He is an American . A: What’s your mother/ father’s job ? B: He /she is a(n)… Work in pairs. Read the passage and finish Activity3 1 These are Betty’s parents. ___. 2.These are Lingling’s mother and Daming’s mother. ___. 3.This is Tony’s father. ___. 4. This is Tony’s mother. ___. 5. This is Daming’s father. ___. 6. This is Lingling’s father. ___. c a f d e b Read and then finish the table of Part 4 Betty Daming Tony Lingling father actor theat-re mother nurse manager theater policeman police station manager hotel bus driver bus station hospital English teacher school nurse hospital Try to give the answers with a sentence .Eg: Betty’s father is an actor at the theatre. 1. These are Betty’s parents. 这两位是贝蒂的父母。 Betty’s 意为“贝蒂的”。这是一个名词所有格形式,表示人与事物的所有和所属关系,在句中作定语。 e.g. It’s Daming’s bike. They are Tom’s and Tony’s bags. Language points 2. My mother is a manager of a theatre. 我的妈妈是一位剧院的经理。 本句中of 是名词的所有格形式,表示无 生命的所属关系时,要用介词of 所构成的短 语来表示。 e.g. the legs of the table 桌子腿 3. What is your father’s job?


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