公开课 必修1 unit3 travel journal (warming up and speaking) P.ppt

公开课 必修1 unit3 travel journal (warming up and speaking) P.ppt

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公开课 必修1 unit3 travel journal (warming up and speaking) P

Make a Travel Plan Make a travel plan to a place where you want to go for your holiday. Our Travel Plan We are going to … to spend our Spring Festival. We plan to go there by …. We are leaving … so that we can arrive …. What’s more, we are taking … with us. The travel cost is about …. There are lots of interesting things we can do . We are coming back …. A great journey!I can’t wait. Laos Laos is a country in South East Asia between China and Cambodia. Population: 5.9million (2005). Cambodia Cambodia is a country in South East Asia between Thailand and Vietnam. Population:13.4 million (2003) Now let’s come back to the Mekong River! There is a story of a boy and a girl who traveled there. Do you want to know what happened? Begins in Qinghai Province The Mekong River Flows through several countries. In China it is called the Lancang River. The Lancang River Out of China, it is called the Mekong River.(湄公河) In China it is called the Lancang River.(澜沧江 ) Which countries does the Mekong River flow through? China 中国 Laos 老挝Myanmar 缅甸 Thailand 泰国Cambodia 柬埔寨Vietnam 越南 Myanmar / Burma (before 1989) is one of the largest countries in South East Asia. Population: 52.17 million(2003) Thailand is the only Southeast Asian country never to have been taken over by a European power. Population: 63.36 million (2003) Vietnam Vietnam is a country in South East Asia, next to Cambodia and China. Population:81.4 million(2003). * * * * * Unit 3 Travel journal Warming up speaking Do you like traveling? 2. Have you ever been to any interesting places? Where have you been? 3.Which place/country do you like to travel most? Why? Lead in Let’s discover the beauty of the world! The Great Wall (长城)in China He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man. 不到长城非好汉。 The Heaven Temple(天坛) Eiffel Tower in France 埃菲尔铁塔 Sydney Opera Ho


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