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上市公司会计信息监管的问题与对策探讨 目前,我国的资本市场正处于快速发展的阶段,随着经济的繁荣发展,越来越多的企业通过 采取上市的方式在资本市场中筹集资金,以稳定在资本市场上的地位。然而,伴随着上市公司数量逐渐 增长,对上市公司的会计信息监管也引发了人们的关注,提高了会计信息质量的要求。近年來,上市公 司的会计信息监管虽然有了明显的进步,但还是存在一些不足,一些企业和上市公司利用了我国市场经 济体制改革中的漏洞大做文章徇私舞弊,这些舞弊现象在上市公司中表现尤为突出、会计信息不规范、 信息失真的等,严重影响到我国资本市场的长期发展。因此,如何解决企业会计信息监管存在的不足, 提高会计信息的质量,成力当前最值得探讨的一个M题。 关键词:上市公司;会计信息监管;会计信息质量 Abstract: At present,Chinas capital market is in a stage of rapid development,with the prosperity and development of economy,more and more enterprises through the way of taking the listed in the capital markets to raise money, on the capital market in a stable position. However, with the increasing number of listed companies,to the regulation of accounting information of listed companies also caused the attention of people, improve the quality of accounting information requirements. In recent years, although the regulation of accounting information of listed companies has made obvious progress,but there are still some deficiencies, some enterprises and listed companies took advantage of the loopholes in China’s market economic system reform snowless practice favoritism, the corrupt phenomenon in the listed company performance, especially the accounting information, information distortion, etc. These problems seriously affect the long-term development of the capital market in China. Therefore,how to solve the shortage of enterprise accounting information regulation to improve the quality of accounting information,become the most a problem worthy to be discussed. Key Words: The listed company ; regulation of accounting information;the quality of accounting information TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 賑 I Abstract II —弓IW 1 二、 文章研究意义 错误!未定义书签。 (一)理论意义 错误!未定义书签。 (二〉现实意义 错误!未定义书签。 三、 会计监管的相关理论综述 3 HYPERLINK \l bookmark4 \o Current Document \h 四、 上市公司会计信息监管的目标与研宂成果 5 (一) 会计信息监管的目标 错误!未定义书签。 (二) 会计信息监管国A研究成果 错误!未定义书签。 (三) 会计信息监管国外研宄成果 错误!未定义书签。 HYPERLINK \l bookmark5 \o Current Document \h 五、 我国上市公司会计信息监管存在的问题及原因 5 (一) 会计信息披露不规范 5 (二) 公司内部会计监管薄弱 5 (三)


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