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Abstmct ABSTRACT With the r印id developmem of China’s economic,sea shipping has become an imponant pan of me tmIlsport field.It is an iInportant probI锄to irnpmvc mc qllal时 and the maimenance of sea出pping system.And it is a key step to realize naVigadon mark automatic how to inlprove the qual时of inlaIld river mainten肌ce a11d mamgemeⅡt level.At presem,although the navigadon mark moIli州ng system has made much progress,the inlarld river accidents sml occur矗℃quently result f硒m bad perf.omaI】ce of monitoring system causing mostly So it b血gs new topics for research aIld development of techn0109ies a11d equipments about、Ⅳatch—dog and method for me long—mng Ilaviga矗on㈣moIlitoring system. Becallse of teclltlical reasons in订adidoIlal navigation mark monitoring system,its perfbnllance is not yet perfect.It seriously cons扛ains inland riVer automation leVel. Navigation mark rrlonitoring system is based on SOPC.The system makes use of GPS techn010蹦GSM tecll士10lo肼computertechn0109y and co蚴u11ications technology to achieve intelligent mallagement.The system utilizes GPS position data and naViga石on mark worI(ing state info锄ation,(Ilrou曲the promptⅡ_ansmission of GSM sending to moIlitoring cemer.Montoring cemor carry on real-time da诅to show on me elec订onic map.Then the control center forces da”mle lighting劬ctions,me whole system realizes real一time monitoring. According to comrolling the erⅣimrⅡnent aIld techIlical requirement,the text has realized the monitoring system of navigation mark based on SOPC teclmology Ttlis system adopts UP3_lC6 of Ajtem CornpaIly as me deveIoping platfom of the hardware,utilizing EDA tool to fillish NIOS systematic disposition,include choosed IP nucle碣 CPU setting , every inte血ce desi印 of module , collfi珊 system intercollllected lo垂c,assi印pin of FPGA,etc—Utilize N10s sDK shell enviromem and soRware development to wrap up (SDK) tIle so矗ware developrnem ofrcaliziIlg 血e detection system.1‰u曲pmcessillg GPs measuring data,the system reduces error and pmmt m



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