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篇一:保护环境从我做起演讲稿) 保护环境 从我做起 尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学们:大家早上好! 我们都期盼在整洁干净的环境中学习、玩耍,可是却有同学不懂得珍惜这些美好的事物。请同学们放眼校园仔细看看——桌椅上留着乱涂乱画的痕迹;水龙头开着,让水白白流失;校园里塑料袋、包装盒、果皮纸屑扔得满地都是,在其他同学午休的时候,校园里高声的喧哗,打破了这一片宁静。这些现象与我们美丽、文明、和谐的校园多么不协调! 我们崇尚文明,我们都需要生活在干净、整洁、美丽的环境中,然而,为什么我们总把打扫、维护的希望寄托在别人身上?为什么总是毫不怜惜的践踏这片宁静与美丽?为什么总是逃脱自己的责任? 学校就是我们的家,我们将在这里迈出人生的一步步。每位同学都是校园里的一员,都是这所学校的主人,都有维护校园环境的义务和责任。这是我们逃脱不了的,也是我们必须要做的。在享受这片宁静而安详的乐土时,我们必然要守卫它,让它永远保持这份特有的生机和魅力。 同学们,立即行动起来吧!一片纸,我们捡起;一滴水,我们节约;一堆垃圾,我们打扫,爱一棵小树苗,保护一砖一瓦。为了我们的校园,做我们能够做的一切。“勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之”。为此我向全体同学呼吁:创建清洁、文明的校园,需要你,需要我,需要我们大家共同的努力。让我们积极行动起来!让我们从现在做起,从身边的小事做起,加强自我约束,相互监督,争做保护校园环境的小卫士。 让我们承诺——爱我校园,让母校绿色永远蓬勃,让我校成为我们学习的乐园,我们美丽的家。 我的演讲完了,谢谢大家! 篇二:我的环保演讲稿 good evening everyone,my topic is “environmental protection is my top concern”. with the rapid development of economy and technology, mankind has entered a new stage of civilization.meanwhile,there are a lot of knotty problems followed by this development. one of those problems is environmental protection which is my top concern. now i?ll explain my concern in details. as we all know, we have made a lot of pollutions including water pollution,air pollution ,solid waste pollution and so on.these pollutions have made great changes to our life and environment and i?m so worried that we won?t regret for what we have done until it?s too late. i?m concerned that the seawater polluted by the oil leaking from the tanker in the gulf of mexico will kill the last seagull in the world and the last drip of water will be our human?s tear. i?m concerned that the greenhouse gases produced by deforestation will change the world into a big stove and with the melting of icebergs , we will never have the chance to see a polar bear and penguin and the last piece of land in the world will be swallowed up by the sea. and i?m also concerned that the solid waste produced by our so-called civilized citizen will change our beautiful homeland into a junk city and we will never breathe the fresh air and appreciate the clear sky. all of th


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